Week 1: Websites and Project Management

In this week, it will be an introduction to our module of Digital Fabrication Methods. To kick things off, we will be starting to learn on how to make our own website. There are many website making programmes out there e.g. Wix, however for me, Edublocks seemed liked to easiest one to learn as it has tutorials and help pages that make it very easy to understand. To start things off, I followed the instructions page for week 1 and used the link http://blogs.brighton.ac.uk/createnew, this took me to a part of the University of Brighton website to create a new website. To make sure I can easily find it again, I changed part of the URL to https://blogs.brighton.ac.uk/sammayhew/. Using the edublocks user guide, I started to make a start on my website. Firstly I wanted to change the theme of my website, so I used the user guide to see how to change my websites theme to something I like. After browsing a lot of themes, I chose the Cubic theme as i felt and showed professionalism and simplicity. Once the theme was chosen, I moved onto the content of my website, this is when i started to do posts. To understand how to make posts, I again used the user guide to help me make my posts. I will use this process throughout my website to represent my work and my journey.

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