Week 3: Laser Cutter – Computer Controlled Cutting

For this week, our task was to create a press fit model using the laser cutter in our workshop. I gave myself the task to create a press fit box model. To achieve this, I used Fusion 360 CAD software to make the different parts needed to make my model. I made the box’s net in Fusion and help me fit the box together once it had been laser cut.

When I laser cut the box from Fusion, and I tried to piece them together and make the box. However I noticed an issue with it, some of the sides wouldn’t connect together properly. These seemed to be small gaps between the edges of the sides of the box. After closely looking into the problem, I realised that the problem was that some of the sides of the box had incorrect places for the holes and incisions. The fix this problem, I went back into Fusion and changed the sizes of the holes and incisions and make the proper size and distance. Once this was done, I laser cut them again and this time they connected together properly.


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