Week 5: Electronics Design

For this week, we were given the task of making a circuit board using a software called Eagle by Autodesk which is a scriptable electronic design automation. Before we could start making the circuit, we first had to download this link: https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/pub/libraries/blob/master/eagle/fab.lbr and name it fab.lbr. Once this was downloaded we had to move into Eagle libraries located somewhere located in the computers documents. Now we could start making the circuit board. To start thing off, we opened up Eagle and open up the library to open the components we need to make the circuit. This was done by selecting fab.lbr in libraries and clicking use. Once I clicked use, I could now start placing the parts I need to complete my circuit.

Using the Eagle software we needed to select the right components to make our circuit and once I had selected the correct components I placed them into the schematic. The screen showed all the components I had and I then had to connect them all together correctly.

Once all the connections in the schematic were complete, I then had to convert it to a different view. For this view the connect may still be in the right place but most of the lines between the connections were crossing over each other and this was not allowed because it wouldn’t work if it was real. To make it work, I had to reroute the connections so that none of them were crossing over each other, this took some time but it was eventually done.

Once this was completed, our next task was to change the colours of the board we made. I did this by saving the board I made from Eagle and opening it up in Adobe Illustrator. I used this program to erase all the unnecessary text and line so that a milling process could be done. I also had to change the colours of the lines and connections from the colours they were (red and green) into black.

All these tasks resulted to a completed circuit board I made using multiple different software’s.

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