Changing customer perceptions and turning complaints into compliment on social media using eWOM and brand advocacy


Social media digital strategy consider as fundamental tool to target and gain customers in order to display a certain product or service to public  , also it helps to spread the word of mouth to other people which they might be friends , family or even others   , according to ( Rudolph , 2014) ‘’Social media today is the ultimate word-of-mouth marketing , Getting people to connect with the business  online in the social space helps spread the word about who the company is and the products and services that company offer’’ . Also social media can enhance business a great advantages when engaging customers into their product or service, and to give feedback to improve the business core value, also to increase sales revenue and to be more competitive within any industry, according guardian (2016), global airlines has generated more than $40 million from social media platform.

Using brand advocacy and eWOM is essential tool in order to change customer complaints, also to ensure customers advocate brand or service to their friends , family , and to monitor their behaviour through different tools and measure how effective is a strategy ,  according to (Guellil, 2014) argue that brand advocacy is the likelihood that your clients and consumers will advocate your brand to their friends and acquaintance will be directly correlated to your business growth’’, in order for companies to implement this strategy , there is several way it can be done through , first company needs to monitor customers  compliments or complaints in any website or any other platform that has individuals who mention the  business using tools such as Google search , Google’s blog search and Google Alerts  , according to (Hines, 2017) tools such as Google search , Google’s blog search and Google Alerts will help you find any pages or websites about your business that allow users to add their own feedback , many of them will automatically pull information from other public listings like the Yellow Pages. Also you can possibly be notified when new activity happens to your business profile using google alerts .

Second , once the company has identify the compliments and complaints , business has to  reply to negative comments or complaints, if a company responds to complaints it is more likely to change public perception about the brand, stop the snowball from growing and turning things around like shown in the mock up comment, however if a company did not do so it would result to more negative comments such as shown in the picture which causes communication barrier from the brand to the unsatisfied consumer (Guellil, 2014)

 Hello Robin from the Ryanair Team,

Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused to you by Ryanair’s system, we would like to kindly ask for your booking reference sent via customer service email at: for the car so we can resolve your issue as soon as we can and follow up further to provide your refund of 25 EUR.

Any further queries do not hesitate to contact us!

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Another way of turning complaints into compliments is through brand advocates which are consumers who have positive feedback and genuine love for the brand, who have used and love the brand, who are not paid to advertise, and these are the people in which most people are likely to trust upon whilst making purchasing decisions , their feedback needs to be replied by the business team, in order to show a customer care and would result in that customer may share or spread the word which would be great advantages to the business .

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Hello Doriana

Thank you. We are pleasured to have you fly with us.

We will take into consideration your feedback you gave us and make sure it does not occur again.

Many thanks,

Ryanair Team.


Although brand advocacy has great advantages to business and need to put in consider, however, brand advocacy also has drawback to business, such as:

  • Brand advocacy does not reveal the true impacts on consumer and activist decision making.
  • Since other mediums such as social media influencers like bloggers exist, brand advocacy may not be as effective or may not reach as much audience as other strategies.
  • It can be difficult to sustain
  • May overlook other strategies
  • Risk of results


























Rudolph, Klint. “Social Media’s Role In Your Digital Marketing Strategy – Xcite Media”. Search Engine Marketing & Web Development – Xcite Media Group. N.p., 2017. Web. 1 May 2017.

Guellil, J., (2014). Advocacy and Consumerism: Toms Case Study. Journal of Human Rights (p27) Vol.4 Issue 2

Topham, Gwyn. “Airline Industry Profits Expected To Increase By 12% In 2016”. the Guardian. N.p., 2017. Web. 1 May 2017.


Significant method to change unsatisfied customer attitude about lack of service or product and the importance of brand reputation management

As known is that  customers now days tend to be more engage in social media when giving an opinion about product or service ,according to Market (2017)  ’’ Social networking is currently the most popular online activity among consumers worldwide, it accounts for almost one in every five minutes spent online, and reaches 82% of the entire world’s online population, which represents an audience of nearly 1.2 billion internet users’’ , moreover , bad customer service can switch the customer attention to other alternative competitive companies  , according to (Boeckelman and Malciute,2016)  ‘’found that 68% of customers have switched providers because of bad customer service. Even more than pricing, people seem to look at overall customer experience when deciding who they’ll buy from’’, however, bad customer service  have a significant impact on product or service, a bad brand management could lead to negative outcomes, this negative feedback can lead the organisation to a huge loss and customer dissatisfaction, therefore , this would result also in sales decrease, according (McQuerrey, 2016) stated that poor client benefit commonly brings about less clients, which converts into lower deals and profit for the business.

Changing customer’s negative feedback to positive feedback could be in serious apologies to individuals about lack of service or product, and then could be followed by an offer to the customer, this offer could be for example, free credits, discount on next item purchased by the customer or awards . Marr (2017) arguing that The primary thing we should do when we find that we have made a mistake – or our organization has – is offer our clients a total and genuine statement of regret. Therefore, Serious apology can be a method or a part of solution to change customer’s negative attitude.

First of all , a good example of positive reputation management through social media is the one in JetBlue airlines when one of the customers seats back TV did not display anything during the flight except dark screen, the customer complained about the service through twitter that he had 4 hours flight with no movie (Haines ,2016).

(Haines ,2016)


The JetBlue airlines afterwards replied with apology and sense of bad situation that they did not want this situation to happen to any customer, the reply was

“Oh no! That’s not what we like to hear! Are all the TVs out on the plane or is it just yours?” (Haines ,2016)

After the customer that it was only his seat, the airline company asked for some information and the confirmation code, the customer was refunded credit for non- working TV, after 23 minutes the customers twitted “One of the fastest and better Customer Service: @JetBlue’’ (Haines ,2016) . This way of apologies to customers shows a good product reputation management in social media platform, which directly resulted on customer fully satisfaction.

Second , a bad example of bad brand reputation management is in Subway , as known , Subway is proud of being ‘’better- for -you’’ , a healthy food company and fastest food in the world, recently there was a controversial issue in public that  Subway use chemical ingredients in food ‘’ a chemical commonly used to increase elasticity in soles of shoes and yoga mats’’   (Falcigno , 2017), which resulted in customer anger with negative feedback , however, Subway then announced that they are in the process to remove the chemical ingredients , although Subway has account on twitter , but there was no attempt from Subway side to apologies from customers , which cost  the subway lose in customer loyalty , subway could have apologies from its customer for their mistake and offered customer coupon in order to rebuild the company reputation in the market .


Chrysochou, Polymeros, and Justina Malciute. “Do Brands Engage Their Customers Through Social Media?”. N.p., 2017. Web. 14 Apr. 2017.

Haines, Bryan. “14 Amazing Social Media Customer Service Examples (And What You Can Learn From Them) – The Buffer Blog”. Social. N.p., 2017. Web. 14 Apr. 2017.

McQuerrey, Lisa. “How Does Poor Customer Service Affect A Business?” N.p., 2017. Web. 14 Apr. 2017.

Marr, Steve. “Apology: An Effective Customer Service Tool”. Power to Change. N.p., 2017. Web. 14 Apr. 2017.

“Do Brands Engage Their Customers Through Social Media?”. N.p., 2017. Web. 14 Apr. 2017.

Falcigno, Elizabeth. “Brand Reputation Management And Your Social Media Strategy”. N.p., 2017. Web. 15 Apr. 2017.

The significant way of proper manage to customer’s complaint in using social media in airline industry

In airline’s digital marketing strategy, social media platform considers as an essential tool to target customers, as became very powerful platform if it performed in the right way, Virgin Atlantic airlines has a successful and unique social media strategy and that put virgin at the top list of best social media leaders in airlines digital marketing market, which could be an example to other airlines companies to adapt in order to develop their digital marketing strategy,  one of the example is Virgin Atlantic where it had established the most successful social media campaign ever, call the launch of the Detroit route, the strategy of the campaign ‘’ was to create social first content in the run up to the launch, informing and exciting people about this undiscovered city followed by an integrated PR and social campaign that highlighted its rebirth’’ Eyefortravel(2016), the result of the campaign was fabulous, the video had five million views, 16% expansion in bookings in the first week took after by a 9% week on week increment for the following seven weeks Flight scans for Detroit on the site expanded by 146% in the week movement started Eyefortravel(2016).This is shows how virgin Atlantic ability to manage customer attraction through digital marketing tactics in social media method, also would result in customer behavior change to positive attitude,


Airlines company could learn also more on how to invest in digital marketing  in many ways in order to develop their digital marketing strategy , using social media  methods such as,  awards to attract customers attention and build positive behavior  , another unique aspect of Virgin Atlantic is to make sure to encourage customers in social media to build positive relationship , this could happened through for example , awards , Virgin Atlantic used this method also  to involve social users relate to services to build strong digital marketing platform through social media , In addition , this would also give the opportunity to Virgin to promote the airline most attractive destination . Virgin Atlantic in 2016 has launched LoveVegas campaign, they have offered a 10 free tickets trip to Las Vegas to unsuspecting customers in public in valentine’s day, this has brought a positive reflection to the company, where customers started to engage more and they were wishing to be that selected person to the award, also gave the company social media webs advantages of being more active and wise use of digital marketing usage, threats would be for airlines that would make customers to be attracted by other competitors , which would result in negative rate for the company and increase the level of complaint.


The comments show clear engagement of customers with positive behaviour and reaction, some of them gives support to the company and demand for more progress, this would also increase return to Virgin and more understanding to customers, also would encourage customers to be following their activities through social media and share it with friends and family which would increase the followers on social media such as Facebook, twitter , a clear positive attitude for the company in using digital marketing as a method for development, the airlines can get useful of using social media platform as Virgin did by the


Implementing social campaign in the wrong way could cost the airline losses, costs of financial resources could happen of digital marketing which usually high, also where airlines will have dissatisfaction customers, where comments can be seen by anyone and cannot be stopped, this could harm the airline’s reputation which would be difficult to obtain again.




“Southwest And Virgin Atlantic Share Tips For Making Social Media Campaigns Great | Travel Industry News & Conferences – Eyefortravel”., 2016. Web. 18 Feb. 2017.

Different searching result between English and Arabic language in Google

i have always wondered weather there is a different when seachring in Google with Arabic and English language or not , After analysing and comparing between them , it turns out that there is a huge different when searching , with this case , we can determine how google powering in different searching result with different langugaes , i did some examples researching on latest news on what happening in Ukraine in the current moment in political perspective , also researched to find a product weather there is a paid searches or not in both language Arabic and English .

In searching for latest news in Ukraine, i found out that there is a quite huge different , where in arabic page where it was hard to find relevant result on what happening, most results were information  about the country itself or whats happened in during the last couple of years , unlike in English , where most results where relevant to my researching topic with clear description on what happening in Ukrine in current moment.

for the product searching paid search, it turns out that in arabic picture1language research, there is no paid search on the page, whichcould be in diffeculties customer facing when using internet, On the other hand, english search page has shown on the top of thepage multi different paid searches, this shows google power different when search in different languges with different searching topics .







Third party commercials emails

I received an commercial  email from Ryanair offering me to book a flight ticket to Greece in autumn to enjoy the weather with cheap price. The compagin email can be seen as Event triggered email, which focused on specific time of the year (autumn)  , although email was call to action , where invited me to book ticket, the email does not show what the company offer when clicked on the linked provided, it convert  me to other web page , where it has no relate to what they really offer,however,  i rarely open this type of emails in order of not need what they offering , also some of them are not honest emails  , so that’s makes me bit worried that i might get hacked by internet hackers , also the email is not personalized to me, it was probably sent to all customers .

screen-shot-1 screen-shot-2

Email critique:

  • The length of the email

The length of the email been sent by Ryanair  was almost 2 pages , which usually should be between 1 and 5pages, it also known that the too long emails has a negative impact of customers, consumers will get bored and probably will not continue with the offering , the email objective should specify the deal it offer, various tasks should be considered to determine the subject of the email (Fiona,2011).

  •        Email subject line

Subject line in this email was quite attractive , where they put a very low tickets price with only 16.99£, subject line is fundamental in terms of the first thing the customer will see after receiving the email and weather it attract the customer or not.

  •      E-mail sender

Ryanair  using policy of using e-mail address plus the name of the company , some other company they use weather  company name only or company name and the word newsletter.

  • Brand logo

Brand logo can be seen as the most important, where companies usually  puts their brand symbol the first page at the top on the left, which companies consider it as the most strategic place,  same for the Ryanair where the brand logo was on the left side on the top of the email.

  • Explanation

Ryanair has used some pictures to support and to illustrate the offer, with the text appearing underneath and above , where it helps the reader to engage and grab attention to the offer, this is step forward to gain customers and sales increase .

  • The subject matter

More then half of firms now use widely incentive offering in the subject line , such as discount , seasonal promotions , saving, or for a specific occasion (Fiona,2011),  Ryanair email sent to me was  a seasonal promotions in order of summer finish and autumn start.


landing page form Ryanair email send to me after clicked on the link where the offer is  not the landing page for the offer specified on the first page, where it offered  the same offer of the first page but in different tactics (call in action) ,that is failure for the company . Customers can get bored and easily lost by looking around to what the compan offered, however,  it can be improved by conversion the customer to what really the email offer, with the background and the details of everything on the email. In addition, comparing with other promotion email received by Manchester city official online store, after clicking on the link for the offer, the landing page was exactly what it have been said on the first page of the email, unlike Ryanair where i was lost to get what they trying to offer me , also the email included some pictures and some animated cartoons with text underneath, moreover, the company used same as Ryanair where they used a season promotional to attract the customers .



references :

1-Chadwick, Fiona. “Web Advertising: The Role Of E-Mail Marketing”. Journal of business research 65.6 (2011): n. pag. Print.























Argus Consider as the largest digital retailer,  with more than 45,000 product to offer through its website , and over 738 million website visits annually, with more than 20 million people in the UK has tablet in 2013 , Argus wanted to bring the innovation into the real world and change the traditional way of shopping  , with this great success , Argus has started publishing a 53 new digital store around the UK.However , Challenges that Argus facing is how to meet customer expectation , customers knows about the new digital market only through the social media channel , in the modern world is word-of-mouth became most popular   .

Brandwatch Analytics has provided the Argus with the perfect solution with enable them to understand its customer behind comments such as , know if it male or female, what type of interest and occupation, Brandwatch provided Argus with  the solution to understand why and what are they saying .

by looking …… to be continue