In airline’s digital marketing strategy, social media platform considers as an essential tool to target customers, as became very powerful platform if it performed in the right way, Virgin Atlantic airlines has a successful and unique social media strategy and that put virgin at the top list of best social media leaders in airlines digital marketing market, which could be an example to other airlines companies to adapt in order to develop their digital marketing strategy, one of the example is Virgin Atlantic where it had established the most successful social media campaign ever, call the launch of the Detroit route, the strategy of the campaign ‘’ was to create social first content in the run up to the launch, informing and exciting people about this undiscovered city followed by an integrated PR and social campaign that highlighted its rebirth’’ Eyefortravel(2016), the result of the campaign was fabulous, the video had five million views, 16% expansion in bookings in the first week took after by a 9% week on week increment for the following seven weeks Flight scans for Detroit on the site expanded by 146% in the week movement started Eyefortravel(2016).This is shows how virgin Atlantic ability to manage customer attraction through digital marketing tactics in social media method, also would result in customer behavior change to positive attitude,
Airlines company could learn also more on how to invest in digital marketing in many ways in order to develop their digital marketing strategy , using social media methods such as, awards to attract customers attention and build positive behavior , another unique aspect of Virgin Atlantic is to make sure to encourage customers in social media to build positive relationship , this could happened through for example , awards , Virgin Atlantic used this method also to involve social users relate to services to build strong digital marketing platform through social media , In addition , this would also give the opportunity to Virgin to promote the airline most attractive destination . Virgin Atlantic in 2016 has launched LoveVegas campaign, they have offered a 10 free tickets trip to Las Vegas to unsuspecting customers in public in valentine’s day, this has brought a positive reflection to the company, where customers started to engage more and they were wishing to be that selected person to the award, also gave the company social media webs advantages of being more active and wise use of digital marketing usage, threats would be for airlines that would make customers to be attracted by other competitors , which would result in negative rate for the company and increase the level of complaint.
The comments show clear engagement of customers with positive behaviour and reaction, some of them gives support to the company and demand for more progress, this would also increase return to Virgin and more understanding to customers, also would encourage customers to be following their activities through social media and share it with friends and family which would increase the followers on social media such as Facebook, twitter , a clear positive attitude for the company in using digital marketing as a method for development, the airlines can get useful of using social media platform as Virgin did by the
Implementing social campaign in the wrong way could cost the airline losses, costs of financial resources could happen of digital marketing which usually high, also where airlines will have dissatisfaction customers, where comments can be seen by anyone and cannot be stopped, this could harm the airline’s reputation which would be difficult to obtain again.
“Southwest And Virgin Atlantic Share Tips For Making Social Media Campaigns Great | Travel Industry News & Conferences – Eyefortravel”., 2016. Web. 18 Feb. 2017.