Different searching result between English and Arabic language in Google

i have always wondered weather there is a different when seachring in Google with Arabic and English language or not , After analysing and comparing between them , it turns out that there is a huge different when searching , with this case , we can determine how google powering in different searching result with different langugaes , i did some examples researching on latest news on what happening in Ukraine in the current moment in political perspective , also researched to find a product weather there is a paid searches or not in both language Arabic and English .

In searching for latest news in Ukraine, i found out that there is a quite huge different , where in arabic page where it was hard to find relevant result on what happening, most results were information  about the country itself or whats happened in during the last couple of years , unlike in English , where most results where relevant to my researching topic with clear description on what happening in Ukrine in current moment.

for the product searching paid search, it turns out that in arabic picture1language research, there is no paid search on the page, whichcould be in diffeculties customer facing when using internet, On the other hand, english search page has shown on the top of thepage multi different paid searches, this shows google power different when search in different languges with different searching topics .







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