Here I would jut like to include some images from design work I have done over the last two and a half years for campaigns, unions and political groups. I became involved with activism and met many dear friends who have informed and helped me develop my political views when I moved to London. Direct action, organising and theoretical education are all incredibly important to me, however, I have struggled to find my place within activist groups. I am not good at organising myself, let alone others, I despise social media and am not particularly well versed in theory. However, I do have artistic skills and where possible I have tried to put them to good use. My efforts have always been praised by friends and colleagues and have left me feeling fulfilled. I am still figuring out what my place is within the ongoing fight against capitalism, racism and patriarchy in all forms, but I do know that I never work faster or with more purpose and conviction when designing work for political causes. As a record I would like to include these images of nearly all the work I have made with explicitly political intention since first becoming involved with activism.



I don’t want to overstate the importance of graphic design to political movements, or try and use it as a substitute for real action, but there is something important in this work for me. It connects my artistic practice to my activism, and is a theoretical subject I really want to know more about.

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