When finding out what space I was allocated for the exhibition, I was partially disappointed as I was hoping for a corner or somewhere that my two submissions would have their own space to exist separately. Luckily for me, upon handing my spacing was slightly changed and my paintings are now hung directly opposite each other, I am really happy with this decision as it feels like my work is in conversation with each other whilst still remaining independent from one another and having their own space to breathe. Hanging my work was a fairly simple procedure for my first painting as it held up find with some screws tucked in the spaces of the box folds, my larger three dimensional piece however came with a few problems as I didn’t want any screws to be on display so they had to be installed behind the cardboard pieces that were fairly heavy when combined and were stuck to the wood with adhesive velcro and some glue, after a lot of tweaking it finally feels secure up on the wall so hopefully it’ll hold for the duration of the exhibition. I am very excited for the exhibition opening and hope that my work can speak for itself and open up conversations between the audience.