After producing a dictionary of 30 pictograms, I created 20 a3 compositions, based off the guidelines given on the brief, experimenting with scale, contrast, negative space and various other themes. Even though the deadline was short I tried very hard to put thought into each composition, for example I wanted the image of the crabs (below) to depict the feature that the original pictogram was inspired by, in David Attenborough’s Planet Earth 2, about the mass walk of the Red Crabs on Easter Island. And for the image of the tessalating books, I wanted them to be in a mineral like structure to represent their true forms, and not only their chemical formulas. Although at first I found it challenging to compose the images, I definitely learn a lot about what ‘worked’ and what didn’t work for my style of illustration when thinking about composition, such as I had to especially carful when thinking about positioning scale, as if I placed a large images next to a small image a lot of the time the detail in the line work could get lost.