We are pleased to be able to share activities on various dates relating to: Trans-Sensory Stories of Gender-Based Violence. These sessions have been created by Lesley Murray and Jessica Moriarty of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. See details for all events here
These will be held at Grand Parade. They are open to all but please do book via this link
Exhibition – located at Grand Parade Atrium Gallery – The Trans-Sensory Stories of Gender-Based Violence exhibition follows on from a project that looked at gender-based violence across different spaces, including homes, streets and transport. In opening up different conversations across the globe, artists from the UK and Mexico have produced creative responses (image and text) to stories of gender-based violence that reflected changes in the ways people moved around different spaces since the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic.
Guided tours – We will also be running guided tours of the exhibition throughout the week
- Guided tour 2 Wednesday15th November 10.00-11.00
*Please note, the exhibition and associated events include real life stories, experiences and images depicting gender based violence. Some people may find the work and conversations challenging or of a triggering nature. Please contact Lesley Murray L.Murray@brighton.ac.uk for more information in advance of your visit.
Roundtable discussions – Alongside the exhibition, will be open roundtable discussions that will include the artists taking part in the exhibition and anyone interested in having a conversation about gender-based violence. Anyone can join these discussions, which take place on:
- Roundtable 2 Wednesday 15th November 11.30-12.30 (Grand Parade, M2) Open discussion on the exhibition and cultures of GBV (with Vanessa Marr, textile artist)
Creative workshops – In addition, we will be holding creative workshops with activities inspired by the exhibit; the responses and work generated will inform research findings that seek to raise awareness and contribute to discussions into how the arts can promote social change relating to gender-based violence. Details are:
- Workshop 1 Wednesday 15th November 1.30 – 3.00 (Grand Parade G62) Artists as Activists: how can visual art and textiles help deliver social change?Join Vanessa Marr (@domesticdusters) to explore the motivations behind art as activism and the barriers faced by artists working in the field. Facilitated by Faith Dodkins
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