The Centre for Arts and Wellbeing launch of our Call for Proposals for the PGR Mobilities Fund 2023-24 – Deadline: 25 March 2024, 5pm

The Centre for Arts and Wellbeing is pleased to announce the launch of our Call for Proposals for the PGR Mobilities Fund 2023-24

Deadline: 25th March 2024, 5pm (application form attached)

The Centre for Arts and Wellbeing is seeking applications to our mobilities fund for attendance at or delivery of an:

  • Event
  • Conference
  • Networking meeting

that will support your research and work. The application must link to arts and wellbeing and at least one of our research themes:

  • Arts-based health and wellbeing
  • Making well
  • Inclusion through narrative
  • Creative methodologies
  • Sustainable communitiesFunding of up to £1000 is available and we would particularly value work that focus on:
  • Collaborative/transdisciplinary work
  • Developing networks with external academic and/or community partners
  • Sustainable outcomes/outputs
  • Inclusive practice and/or pedagogy

Proposals should outline:

    • Eligible costs include: fees for visiting speakers; travel and subsistence costs; catering for events; conference fees)
    • The following costs are ineligible: UoB staff costs
  • Relevant experience of applicants/project team (CVs on PURE will be accessed if required).

Proposals will be assessed by a panel comprising of members of the Centre for Arts and Wellbeing. All successful applicants will be asked to capture their project via a case study report for the Centre’s online platforms.

APPLY NOW by completing the attached form: hereCAW PGR funding 2024_Call for Proposals

Applicants will be informed about the outcome before the end of March 2024.
Please email your application materials to: by 25th March 2024, 5pm

We look forward to hearing from you,



Centre For Arts and Wellbeing
University of Brighton


Dr Helen Johnson | Co-Director

Dr Jess Moriarty | Co-Director

Georgina Le Breuilly | Research Administrator (Wednesdays only)