27 June 2023 – 18:00 19:30 BST
In-person only. Lighthouse, 28 Kensington St, Brighton, BN1 4AJ
“In this conversation, we will explore the relations between Gregory Bateson’s work in cybernetics and RD Laing’s antipsychiatry praxis in London during the 1960s. We will look at how their explorations enabled a different way of framing problems related to modernity, self, normativity, madness, technology, politics and practices of resistance and explore the relevance of these ideas to how we currently think about the ecological question in design. We will also discuss how their explorations into the possibilities of enacting other worlds can add to contemporary discussions on ‘multiple cosmologies’ and the ‘ontological turn’ that calls for the need to take different worlds seriously.”
This event is part of a UK-Germany collaboration project, funded by the AHRC and the DFG, focusing on the work of Gregory Bateson. For an overview of the project, see: https://www.enactingecologicalaesthetics.com/