December 13



A brief History about Dove

Dove is a Canadian company that has been selling beauty products for more than 60 years. Their main target market is all type of women above 18 years with a good awareness of skin care and good purchasing power.  Dove main objective is to fight the fake perception of women beauty that we are being sold by media. Dove doesn’t use Photoshop, just real life women so every woman can identify herself with Dove models. They go beyond with their Dove self-esteem project, designed specially to address women daily issues with their look.

Dove’s first product was the beauty bar, and from there new products like body wash, body lotion, facial cleaners, deodorants and  shampoos.

A study carried out by dove shows that 8 out of 10 women don’t feel confident with the way they look, so they opt out of daily activities.


Doves buyer personas


Customer’s journey


Dove vs competitors 

The effectiveness of websites:


There is four approaches we use to analyse customers behaviour when purchasing online. Those approaches comply with attraction since is the first thing will help a customer to decide whether continue on the website despite the product they are looking for. Secondly the website should inform broadly about the services or products they offer to make the customers journey easier, with clear description of products, accessibility  to payment methods and so on. What makes a customer choose one brand or another depends on the positioning of the brand. Meaning that the customer will feel more attracted if there is a variety of products, good merchandising and offers including membership discounts like student discount or >25 discount.

Dove website doesn’t sell their products directly. it’s a B2B company which have agreements with various retailers like ASDA, Tesco, Waitrose, Sainsbury’s etc. On the website products are very easy to find with the description of the product and a valoration of the product based on customers experiences. Dove competitors use the same method of purchasing through their websites.

From the positioning perspective, the layout of Nivea website is better since it’s easier to access to all their products with fewer clicks than Dove’s. Therefore, customers experience is more engaging.

When customers go to a website they need to be attracted about the advertisement and banners. Dove keeps it simple, using a single image of a model with no advertising or banners at all. just the categories such as baby Dove, man care and their famous self-esteem project.  On the other hand Nivea and Olay websites are full of banners that can make customers want to check other products that could be of their interest.

For any organisation in terms of reach to the buyer force, social media it’s key part of the marketing strategy because potential buyers can track in real time the new arrivals and the organisation can analyse their behaviour. Analysing Dove and its competitors social medias we can see clearly a advantage and better acceptance in the main social medias such as facebook instagram and twitter.

Website traffic comparison



The charts show a clear winner when it comes to website traffic. Dove is ahead with 2.5 M, i second place we have Olay with a total of 821.09K visits. Third position is for Nivea with 163.73K visits.

in both Olay and Nivea, the activity is very stable comparing to Dove which is more fluctuate.



Dove UK. (2018). Welcome to Dove. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Dec. 2018]. (2018). Always there for me: NIVEA. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Dec. 2018]. (2018). Skin Care Products and Tips | Olay. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Dec. 2018].

behadur, n. (2018). How Dove Tried To Change The Conversation About Female Beauty. [online] HuffPost UK. Available at: [Accessed 5 Dec. 2018].

Bhasin, H. (2018). Dove Competitors – Personal Care & cosmetic Competitors Of Dove. [online] Marketing91. Available at: [Accessed 6 Dec. 2018].

SimilarWeb. (2018). Traffic Statistics. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Dec. 2018].

SimilarWeb. (2018). Traffic Statistics. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Dec. 2018].

Mangukiya, P. (2018). Social media by the numbers [Infographic]. [online] HuffPost. Available at: [Accessed 10 Dec. 2018].

randolph, m. (2015). Dove Social Media Analysis Summary. [online] Her Marketing Blog. Available at: [Accessed 11 Dec. 2018].