During week 2, I developed my skills in Photography by experimenting with the shutter speed, ISO and the aperture. I knew the rough basics due to owning a Nikon D3500, however I wasn’t familiar with the manual settings and what they do. We experimented with using different settings together at their lowest and highest to understand what they do to image quality. Either increasing or decreasing grain, lighting and movement. I included two photos in this post from the experiment, these being the most interesting to me. The first photo was captured on the lowest setting for the ISO (200) to decrease light and grain and the aperture was placed on F4.5 to allow more light in, then the shutter speed was placed on 1/50 to keep a natural light. I thought this was the perfect setting to allow that depth in while also keeping a natural and bright light. These settings would be successful when taking portraits of people and capturing depth and detail due to a clear image. The second photo captured movement and energy. Using the lowest shutting speed (1/4) to capture the most movement while also allowing the most light in, and then increasing the aperture to cut down the light (F32) and decreasing the light again with the ISO (200). These settings would work really well when capturing movement and action in an image. I enjoyed experimenting with the camera, as I have mentioned before photography is a skill I really enjoy and aim to improve the most on throughout my time at Brighton University. I have understood that it becomes much more familiar the more you practise with these settings, and although I’ve already practised, I still feel like I need a lot more to feel confident in what I’m doing. However, so far I have appreciated being able to develop my skills and allow myself to become more confident in the future. I believe that over the next coming weeks of this module, I will gain experience and become more comfortable.