Phoebe McCarthy

Darkroom Workshop (9/12/16)

Darkroom Workshop For the last darkroom workshop before the holiday break, we worked again on enlarging our images. I was excited about this one as I had new film negatives to work with. I chose an image where the shadowing was high quality and looked good on the strip in terms of exposure and the…

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Third Final Photoshoot

Third Final Photoshoot For my final photoshoot, I knew I wanted to create some sort of structure or backdrop, to show the combination of fabric and photography/styling. I decided to look into lots of magazines for inspiration such as I-D, Lula, Dazed, along with looking on CLM agency for different editorials. On CLM, I came…

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Second Final Photoshoot

Second Final Photoshoot  Whilst at home for Christmas, I planned to do my last two final photoshoot for my editorial. The first one I conducted, I decided to take advantage of my surroundings and use the Turner Contemporary art gallery in Margate, as my location. I went to look around the day before and decided…

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First Final Photoshoot

First Photoshoot On Wednesday (30/11/16), me and my group booked out the Moulescoomb Photography studio and I produced my first final photoshoot. A concept I wanted to act as my focal point throughout my final project was textiles/ pattern with simple fashion. From the first styling workshop and before a main style I have loved…

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Print and Pattern Styling workshop- (28/11/16)

Print and Pattern- Styling Workshop On Monday (28/11/16), we had another styling workshop. This time the main concept was ‘clashing prints’. The first thing I decided to do was to look on CLM-agency- a great resource to find stylists, photographs, artists etc. I went through both the styling and photographers page in order to find…

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Darkroom workshop 25/11/16

Darkroom Workshop On Friday (25/11/16), we had another darkroom workshop, this was by far my favourite as we were enlarging our images. We used the enlargement machine and got taught how to set the machine up (taking the slide out, putting in our film, setting the f-stop and aligning the picture frame, in this case…

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Styling workshop- 14/11/16

Styling Workshop On Monday 14/11/16 we had a styling workshop with Burberry stylist Stephanie Johns. For preparation for the workshop we were asked to choose two references from a list given to us, in order to do some research and design and plan a style by combining the two references. I decided to choose Phoebe…

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Screen Printing – 11/11/16

Screen Printing On Friday (11/11/16), I took part in a screen printing workshop as part of research week. The workshop lasted all morning and it was a great experimentation session. We were given A3 card to screen print on which was a good size as there was a lot of room for experimentation and designs….

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A good article for backing my research up (AD136)


What have I done this week? 24/10/16- 28/10/16

What have I done this week? This week I have mainly been working on my magazine editorial, writing my evaluation, updating my blog and working on my sketchbook. I have also taken part in a darkroom workshop on Wednesday with Maria (I have written a separate blog post on this). At the moment I am…

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