Phoebe McCarthy

Screen Print Graphics

Screen Print Graphics Screen printing has always interested me, however with not be directly accessible to any screens straight away I decided to design some graphics digitally. I got a lot of my inspiration from Pinterest again, below is what I found: Graphic Illustration from Pinterest:                    …

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Turning a War Poem into a Graphic Illustration

Turning a War Poem into a Graphic Illustration  My main starting point was taken from list Jules gave us. I decided to look into Siegfried Sassoon’s war poems, I decided to choose ‘Attack’. I decided to break the poem down and turn each line into a graphic, from taking the main words and changing them…

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Zine research

Zine Research  For the start of this module (Fashion Illustration and Imaging), I took to Pinterest to get an initial understanding of what a Zine was and what themes caught my eye. Below are some of the zines I found: From looking into various zine and illustrations I found that typography and graphics were two…

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