Phoebe McCarthy

Darkroom Workshop (9/12/16)

Darkroom Workshop For the last darkroom workshop before the holiday break, we worked again on enlarging our images. I was excited about this one as I had new film negatives to work with. I chose an image where the shadowing was high quality and looked good on the strip in terms of exposure and the…

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Third Final Photoshoot

Third Final Photoshoot For my final photoshoot, I knew I wanted to create some sort of structure or backdrop, to show the combination of fabric and photography/styling. I decided to look into lots of magazines for inspiration such as I-D, Lula, Dazed, along with looking on CLM agency for different editorials. On CLM, I came…

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Second Final Photoshoot

Second Final Photoshoot  Whilst at home for Christmas, I planned to do my last two final photoshoot for my editorial. The first one I conducted, I decided to take advantage of my surroundings and use the Turner Contemporary art gallery in Margate, as my location. I went to look around the day before and decided…

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