Darkroom Workshop- 26/10/16
This week, we had a darkroom workshop with Maria. We were told to get our film developed from the manual cameras we hired out and get it cut into six strips, or how ever many your photos needed. We then got shown the darkroom and what different processes you can do in there. For our first session we were shown how to make contact sheets.
Once I got the hang of the process, I started to experiment with the timings of keeping the film in the press for in order to gain the right exposure. As at first my images came out slightly over exposed therefore I tried again and left them in for a shorter amount of time. This helped and the images came out at a better quality.
I have inserted scan in’s of my two contact sheets:
The Process and what I learnt:
This is a sketch I found of the process we used in the workshop. A significant concept we learned was to get in the habit of using the right terminology, a key term we were taught was ‘EMULSION’, and not to call the emulsion side of the film the ‘shiny’ or ‘glossy’ side, as with some film developers the film will be ‘shiny’ on both sides. We were taught to feel for the slightly ‘sticky’ side and to refer to it as EMULSION.