Phoebe McCarthy

What did we do today? (19/10/16)

What happened today then? 

Today we had another tutorial with Phil Tyler. We looked into visual research and how to explore and create new ideas through looking deeper into pieces of art. Phil showed us a painting by Antonio Lopez Garcia named ‘The Table’ (Image below). We first had to quickly sketch the painting, noticing the main concepts of what was part of the image, for instance in this case there was a table full of food (apple, egg, jars, water).

Afterwards we discussed questions we could ask about the painting between us, such as who was the artist?, what year was it painted?, what colour palette is used?, where are we in the picture?, whats happening in the picture? etc.

I found this very helpful, as I found it broadened my creative thinking skills and enabled me to deconstruct an image and find out a lot more information about it, by simply looking at all the different elements with deeper thought.

We said Garcia used a muted colour palette (browns, grey, white, pale blue, pale pink). We asked questions such as who is the girl/ boy looking at? Is she looking at us (breaking the 4th wall), Is that her mother or father next to her?, why does the other person have two eyebrows? All of these questions we asked ourselves helped us understand the painting and the meaning behind it at a better level.


After this, Phil showed us another image (Image below) and asked us to all write down words that came to mind when we looked at the image and write them down. they included, red, blue, model, fashion, brands, line, colour, third, mundane, vintage etc.








After this we were told to cut up the words we had written down and rearrange them to make sentences. We then used our smart phones and use the words and sentences to make a piece of creative writing about an everyday object. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the session and felt it enhanced my creative writing skills and helped my essay writing.

Phoebe Mccarthy • October 19, 2016

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