
PBL literature and research articles:

PBL pedagogy

  • Barrows, H. S. (1996). Problem‐based learning in medicine and beyond: A brief overview. New directions for teaching and learning, 1996, 3-12
  • Hallinger, P. (2020). Mapping continuity and change in the intellectual structure of the knowledge base on problem-based learning, 1974–2019: A systematic review. British Educational Research Journal, 46(6): 1423–1444
  • Hmelo-Silver CE, and Eberbach C. (2012) Learning Theories and Problem Based Learning in Problem-based learning in clinical education: the next generation by Bridges S, McGrath C, and Whitehill TL. Springer: London, New York
  • Onyan, C. (2012). Problem-based learning: a review of the educational and psychological theory. The clinical teacher, 9(1):
  • Servant V. F. C., and Schmidt, H. G. (2016). Revisiting ‘Foundations of problem-based learning: some explanatory notes’. Medical Education, 50: 698–701
  • Tan, O-S. (2003). Problem-Based Learning Innovation: Using Problems to Power Learning in the 21st Century. Cengage Learning: Singapore
  • Thomassen, A. O., and Jørgensen, K. M. (2021). John Dewey and continuing management education: problem-based learning for organizational sustainability. The journal of workplace learning, 33(3)
  • Wiggins, S., Chiriac, E. H., Abbad, G. L., Pauli, R., and Worrell, M. (2016). Ask not only ‘what can PBL do for psychology?’ but ‘what can psychology do for PBL?’ A review of the relevance of problem-based learning for psychology teaching and research. Psychology Learning & Teaching, 15(2): 136-154
  • Zhou, C., & Zhu, Z. (2019). Fostering problem-based learning (PBL) in Chinese universities for a creative society. In Z. Zhu & C. Zhu (Eds.), Global perspectives on fostering problem-based learning in Chinese Universities (pp. 1–31). IGI global.

Best practice

  • AMEE Guide No. 84 (2014) Problem-based learning (PBL): getting the most out of your students – their roles and responsibilities. Medical teacher
  • Azer, S. A. (2004). Becoming a student in PBL course: twelve tips for successful group discussion. Med Teach, 26, 12-5
  • Bar M. A., Pade, M., Jarus T, Gat, S., Kaufman Cohen, Y., and Lipskaya-Velikovsky, L.(2018) Problem-based learning in occupational therapy curriculum – implications and challenges, Disability and Rehabilitation, 40 (17): 2098-2104
  • Bate, E., Hommes, J., Duvivier, R., and Taylor, D. C. M. (2014). Problem-based learning (PBL): Getting the most out of your students-Their roles and responsibilities: AMEE Guide No. 84. Medical teacher, 36(1)
  • De Graaf, E. and Kolmos, A. (2003). Characteristics of problem-based learning. International Journal of Engineering Education, 19, 657-662
  • Du, X., Nomikos, M., Ali, K., Lundberg, A., and Abu-Hijleh, M. (2022). Health educators’ professional agency in negotiating their problem-based learning (PBL) facilitator roles: Q study. Medical education, 56, (8)
  • English, M. C. and Kitsantas, A. (2013). Supporting student self-regulated learning in problem-and project-based learning. Interdisciplinary journal of problem-based learning, 7, 6
  • Frezatti F, Martins DB, and Mucci DM (2018) Broadening the Benefits of PBL: a “Good” Problem. Journal of Education and Research in Accounting (REPeC) 12(2)
  • Gijbels. D., Dochy, F., Van den Bossche, P., and Segers, M. (2005). Effects of Problem-Based Learning: A Meta-Analysis From the Angle of Assessment. Review of Educational Research, 75(1): 27-61
  • Hmelo-Silver, C. E. & Barrows, H. S. (2006). Goals and strategies of a problem-based learning facilitator. Interdisciplinary journal of problem-based learning, 1, 4
  • Hung, W. (2016). All PBL starts here: The problem. Interdisciplinary Journal of problem-based learning, 10, 2
  • Khoiriyah U, Roberts C, Jorm C, and Van der Vleuten CPM (2015) Enhancing students’ learning in problem based learning: validation of a self-assessment scale for active learning and critical thinking. BMC Medical Education 15 (140)
  • Kilroy, D. (2004). Problem based learning. Emergency medicine journal, 21, 411-413
  • Klegeris, A. (2018). Instructing introductory pharmacology in large undergraduate classes by using clinical problem-based learning (PBL) cases improves the generic problem-solving skills of students. Proceedings for Annual Meeting of The Japanese Pharmacological Society, WCP2018
  • Lin WK (2012) Dysfunctional problem-based learning curricula: resolving the problem. BMC Medical Education 12(89)
  • Newman, M. J. (2005). Problem Based Learning: an introduction and overview of the key features of the approach. J Vet Med Educ, 32, 12-20
  • O’Doherty D, McKeague H, Harney S, Browne G, and McGrath D (2018) What can we learn from problem-based learning tutors at a graduate entry medical school? A mixed method approach. BMC Medical Education 18:96
  • Roberts, D. and Ousey, K., (2004). Problem based learning: developing the triggers. Experiences from a first wave site. Nurse Education in Practice, 4(3), pp.154-158.
  • Savery, J. (2006). Overview of Problem-Based Learning: Definitions and Distinctions. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning, 1.
  • Savin-Baden, M. (2020). What Are Problem-Based Pedagogies? J Probl Based Learn, 7, 3-10.
  • Servant-Miklos VFC (2019) Fifty Years on: A Retrospective on the World’s First Problem-based Learning Programme at McMaster University. Medical School Health Professions Education 5: 3–12
  • Stanton, M. T., Guerin, S. and Barrett, T. (2017). The transfer of problem-based learning skills to clinical practice. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 11, 11
  • Strobel, J. and Van Barneveld, A. (2009). When is PBL more effective? A meta-synthesis of meta-analyses comparing PBL to conventional classrooms. Interdisciplinary journal of problem-based learning, 3, 4
  • Svensson, J., Axén, A., Andersson, E. K., and Hjelm, M. (2021). Nursing students’ experiences of what influences achievement of learning outcomes in a problem-based learning context: A qualitative descriptive study. Nursing open, 8(4)
  • Wang, D., Samaka, M., Miao, Y., Ali, Z., and Hoppe, UH. (2018). A model-driven PBL application to support the authoring, delivery, and execution of PBL processes. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 11(6)
  • Wood, D.F. (2003). Problem based learning. Bmj, 326(7384), pp.328-330.
  • Woods, D. R. (2014). Problem-oriented learning, problem-based learning, problem-based synthesis, process oriented guided inquiry learning, Peer-Led team learning, model-eliciting activities, and project-based learning: What is best for you? Industrial & engineering chemistry research, 53(13)

Cost of PBL:

  • Cowdroy, R.,Kingsland, A., and Williams, A. (2007). Achieving Cost-Effective Problem-Based Learning: Dispelling Myths about Problem-Based Learning. In: Erik de Graaff and Anette Kolmos (eds), Management of Change, 45–67
  • Finucane, P., Shannon, W., and McGrath, D. (2009). The financial costs of delivering problem-based learning in a new, graduate-entry medical programme. Medical Education, 43: 594–598
  • Hamdy, H., and Agamy, E. (2011) Is running a Problem-Based Learning curriculum more expensive than a traditional Subject-Based Curriculum?, Medical Teacher, 33:9, 509-514
  • Ohlsson et al. (2024) Revitalizing Pedagogy in a Medical Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Curriculum Findings, Methodology, and Recommendations from a Systematic Self-Assessment. Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education:
  • Wittert, G., and Nelson, A. (2010). Problem-based learning: is a cost-effective approach possible? In: Walsh, K. Cost Effectiveness in Medical Education. CRC Press: London

Impact / efficacy of PBL

  • Almulhem, M. A., and Almulhem, J. A. (2022). Evaluation of Problem-Based Learning implementation in a College of Medicine, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: a cross sectional comparative study. BMC Medical Education, 22: 311
  • Abdelkarim A, Schween D, and Ford T (2018) Attitudes Towards Problem‐Based Learning of Faculty Members at 12 U.S. Medical and Dental Schools: A Comparative Study. Journal of Dental Education 82(2)
  • Applin H, Williams B, Day R, Buro K (2011) A comparison of competencies between problem-based learning and non-problem-based graduate nurses. Nurse Education Today 31(2):129–34
  • Blanchard MR, and Lee HC (2018) Why Teach With PBL? Motivational Factors Underlying Middle and High School Teachers’ Use of Problem-Based Learning. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning 13(1)
  • Brassler, M., and Dettmers, J. (2017). How to Enhance Interdisciplinary Competence — Interdisciplinary Problem-Based Learning versus Interdisciplinary Project-Based Learning. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 11(2)
  • Chou FH, and Chin CC (2009) Experience of problem-based learning in nursing education at Kaohsiung medical university. Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Science 25(5): 258–63
  • Clarke CE (2006) Problem-based learning: how do the outcomes compare with traditional teaching. British Journal of General Practice 56(530):722–3
  • Cilik P, Onder F, and Silay I (2011) The effects of problem-based learning on the students’ success in physics course. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 28 (2011) 656–660
  • Colliver, J. A. (2000). Effectiveness of problem-based learning curricula: research and theory. Acad Med, 75, 259-66
  • Groenewald, E. S., T. Kilag, O. K. T., Unabia, R. P., Manubag, M. V., Zamora, M. B., and Repuela, D. F. (2023) The Dynamics of Problem-Based Learning: A Study on its Impact on Social Science Learning Outcomes and Student Interest, Excellencia: International Multi-disciplinary Journal of Education, 1(6)
  • Gorghiua G, Drăghicescub LM, Cristeac S, Petrescub A, and Gorghiud LM (2015) Problem-Based Learning – An Efficient Learning Strategy in the Science Lessons Context. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 191: 1865–1870
  • Izzati, L. R. (2021). The effect of problem-based learning to improve students’ metacognition skills in solving mathematical problems based on cognitive style. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1918, Mathematics and Its Application. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1918/4/042073
  • Jones, R. W. (2006). Problem-based learning: description, advantages, disadvantages, scenarios and facilitation. Anaesth Intensive Care, 34, 485-8
  • Kabir SA, Mohammad S, Kabir SI, Kallachil T, Dissanayake T (2015) Comparing Problem Based Learning Curriculum and the Traditional Curriculum based on outcome. International Journal of Medical Science Research in Practice 2(1): 4–7
  • Klegeris, A and Hurren, H. (2011). Impact of problem-based learning in a large classroom setting: student perception and problem-solving skills. Advances in Physiology Education, 35
  • Korpi, H., Peltokallio, L. and Piirainen, A. (2018). Problem-based learning in professional studies from the physiotherapy students’ perspective. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 13
  • Lexén A, Hultqvist J,  and Amnér G (2018) Occupational therapy student experiences of a university mental health course based on an integrated application of problem-based and team-based learning, Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 25 (1): 70-77
  • Luke, A. M., Mathew, S., Sam Thomas Kuriadom, S. T., George, J. M., Karobari, M. I., and Marya, A. (2021). Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning versus Traditional Teaching Methods in Improving Acquisition of Radiographic Interpretation Skills among Dental Students—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. BioMedical Research International, Article ID 9630285:
  • Mayner L, Gillham D, and Sansoni J (2013) Anatomy and physiology for nursing students: is problem-based learning effective? Professioni infermieristiche 66(3)
  • Nariman N, and Chrispeels J (2016). PBL in the Era of Reform Standards: Challenges and Benefits Perceived by Teachers in One Elementary School. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 10(1).
  • Ren, S., Li, Y., Pu, L., & Feng, Y. (2023). Effects of problem-based learning on delivering medical and nursing education: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing. 20: 500–512.
  • Roche, M., Adiga, I. K. and Nayak. A. G. (2016). PBL Trigger Design by Medical Students: An Effective Active Learning Strategy Outside the Classroom. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 10(12): 6-8
  • Saarinen-Rahiika, H. & Binkley, J. M. (1998). Problem-Based Learning in Physical Therapy: A Review of the Literature and Overview of the McMaster University Experience. Physical Therapy, 78, 195-207
  • Salari M, Roozbehi A, Zarifi A, and Tarmizi RA (2018) Pure PBL, Hybrid PBL and Lecturing: which one is more effective in developing cognitive skills of undergraduate students in pediatric nursing course? BMC Medical Education 18(195)
  • Sayyah, M., Shirbandi, K., Saki-Malehi, A., & Rahim, F. (2017). Use of a problem-based learning teaching model for undergraduate medical and nursing education: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Advances in medical education and practice, 8, 691–700.
  • Schmidt, H. G., Lyanda Vermeulen, L., and van der Molen, H. T. V. (2006). Long term effects of problem-based learning: a comparison of competencies acquired by graduates of a problem-based and a conventional medical school. Medical education, 40(6)
  • Siwei B., Ruiqi L., Jingyi L, Jun, G. (2021). The effectiveness of problem-based learning in gynecology and obstetrics education in China: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Medicine, 100(9)
  • Suparman, D. J. and Tamur, M. (2021). Review of problem-based learning trends in 2010-2020: A meta-analysis study of the effect of problem-based learning in enhancing mathematical problem-solving skills of Indonesian students. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1722, Tenth International Conference and Workshop on High Dimensional Data Analysis (ICW-HDDA-X) 12-15 October 2020 in Sanur-Bali, Indonesia. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1722/1/012103
  • Tayyeb, R. (2014). Effectiveness of problem based learning (PBL) as an instructional tool for acquisition of content knowledge and promotion of critical thinking among medical students. Medical education, supplement, 48, 7(4):
  • Trullàs, J.C., Blay, C., Sarri, E. et al. Effectiveness of problem-based learning methodology in undergraduate medical education: a scoping review. BMC Med Educ 22, 104 (2022).
  • Xu, W., Ye., T, Wang, X. (2021). The effectiveness of the problem based learning in medical cell biology education: a systematic meta-analysis. Medicine,100(39)
  • Yeo RK (2007) (Re)viewing problem‐based learning: An exploratory study on the perceptions of its applicability to the workplace. Journal of Managerial Psychology 22(4):369-391
  • Zakaria, M., Maat, S. and Khalid, F. (2019) A Systematic Review of Problem Based Learning in Education. Creative Education, 10, 2671-2688. doi: 10.4236/ce.2019.1012194
  • Zotou, M., Tambouris, E., and Tarabanis, K. (2020). Data‑driven problem based learning: enhancing problem based learning with learning analytics. Educational Technology, Research and Development, 68: 3393–3424

Online / hybrid learning

  • Chen, C-H., Hung, H-T., and Yeh, H-C. (2021). Virtual reality in problem-based learning contexts: Effects on the problem-solving performance, vocabulary acquisition and motivation of English language learners. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 37(3): 851-860
  • Jiménez-Saiz R, and Rosace D (2019) Is hybrid-PBL advancing teaching in biomedicine? A systematic review. BMC Medical Education 19(226)
  • Manwa, L. N., Bridges, S., Sam, P. L., and Whitehill, T. (2014). Designing, implementing and evaluating an online problem-based learning (PBL) environment – A pilot study. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 28(1–2): 117–130
  • Savin-Baden, M & Fraser, H. (2023). Rethinking Problem-based Learning for the Digital Age – a Practical Guide for Online Settings (1st edition). London: Routledge
  • Servos, U., Reiß, B., Stosch, C., Karay, Y., and Matthes, J. (2023). A simple approach of applying blended learning to problem‑based learning is feasible, accepted and does not affect evaluation and exam results—a just pre‑pandemic randomised controlled mixed‑method study. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology, 396:139–148
  • White and Ousey (2010) Teaching Anatomy and Physiology Online Using Problem-Based Learning. Second International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning: Available at: (accessed 31 July 2019)

Comparisons with other similar approaches 

  • Guo, p., Saab, N., Post, L. S., and Admiraal, W. (2020). A review of project-based learning in higher education: student outcomes and measures. International Journal of Educational Research, Volume 102