Following the success of our first session in January, we ran the second of our PBL training workshops on Tuesday 2nd May at Darley Road Campus in Eastbourne. This workshop was a great opportunity for any practitioners considering a future career in higher education or wishing to further their knowledge and understanding of the approach. It was particularly helpful for the clinicians who take our students on placement as it is always helpful to know how PBL is used with our budding occupational therapists.
The session aims were to:
- Understand where PBL comes from and why / how it can be effective.
- Have learned about how PBL is used at the University of Brighton to support OT students.
- Have explored the role of the tutor and the student in PBL learning – including some top tips for effectively managing a PBL group.
- Have met other colleagues who are interested in using PBL and teaching at the university.
- Have considered how PBL could be applied in their workplace.
We had 11 clinicians attend the session and it was a really positive morning. We have subsequently been able to offer some opportunities to facilitate PBL tutorial sessions with us.
Look out for further workshops in the future and do get in touch if you have an interest in supporting us with sessions at the university. We know our students love to hear from therapists in practice!
Jamie Liddell, Lecturer in Occupational Therapy (