‘You Think This Has Nothing to do with You’

Thursday 13th November

Today’s lecture was all based on Fashion; who creates it and who takes responsibility for it. Dr Marie McLouglin used the film Devil Wears Prada (the lumpy blue sweater in particular) to give an example how fashion, is an unavoidable, ever changing concept.

I found it really interesting to consider how when people (such as the character Andy in Devil Wears Prada) think they are going against society and what it considers its norms in terms of fashion, they are actually caught up in it, just as much as those who are trying to be. The tone of colour, the shape and the print of a garment has to come from somewhere and thus eventually it gets sent through the system ending up to the consumer.

We looked at Karl Lagerfeld’s quote “Fashion is a language that creates itself in clothes to interpret reality”. I really like this quote and feel it is such a lovely way tot think of fashion, because I agree, it really does have it’s own language.
Further more we looked at Nick Knight and his Show Studio platform, which I have to be honest and say I did not know about but will be definitely taking a good look at ASAP.

Finally we looked at the idea of the recent exhibition, ‘Women, Fashion, Power. Not a multiple choice .’
Within this exhibition influential people such as Camila Batmanghelidjh, Dame Sandra Rhodes and Samantha Cameron.

Samantha Cameron’s M&S dress report I found particularly interesting because we think she is trying to say she shops like everyday people- so to connect with the public, when in fact when she wanted this dress there weren’t any available at any store. Due to her status they found that they had a sample dress in a factory in a size 14 which they then made to measure her size 10 figure. Therefore demonstrating the power behind certain individuals and exposing the innocent minded pubic, such as myself although I am slowly learning to question everything around me.
Seminar Session:
Within our seminar we refined the knowledge covered within the lecture and also discussed how the system of producing fashion has changed over time.  From once being in a state where by the designers opinion was extremely respected and the considered at the top of the chain, to the current industry in which people are brave enough to be individual and are deciding fashion for themselves. Thus the designers now take our opinions and voices more seriously and as a result has meant the system has been reversed and we are in fact at the top.

Overall I’ve had a really interesting and thought provoking afternoon and now can’t wait to watch Devils Wears Prada again- for a second I almost forgot what a good film it is!

Photography & Styling

Monday 3rd November

Today we were briefed with our new project on photography and styling; although slightly daunting it sounds very exciting! I think that looking into photography will be really useful for me as I would consider myself a novice in that particular area at the moment! In addition to this i’m really looking forward to the hands on side of styling, i’ve always loved putting outfits together and can’t wait to experiment; especially as i will have the chance to collaborate with others, which will give me some really good experience.

After this we then had our second brief consisting of a trend project which will run along side our photography and styling brief. We had the pleasure of meeting Ruth Greany who works for WGSN, thus has industry experience, who presented the brief in a lecture format whilst engaging us through question and short activity to start of with. For the activity she asked us to consider, in groups, what it is we thought trends were, where they come from and then give examples of some current trends. This is what we came up with:

What are trends:
-Something followed in fashion
-Styles that change from season to season
-World styles influenced by catwalk and fashion weeks

Where do they come from:
-Current trend-Films

Current trends:
-Sport Luxe
-Distressed denim
-Long sleeves

Following this she then ran through how the company WGSN works and gave us some background information to her job role and how it is trend forecasting is conducted. I found this really insightful and am looking forward to getting ‘stuck in’, as they say!