Research into Feet

Monday 2nd February

Do You Think Feet Are Weird?

Y’all, I think feet are way cute and even so I’m sitting here making this “ew” face that is usually reserved for when Ed makes me smell things that have gone off in the fridge. 

So. Feet are weird. They’re like long hands with really short fingers. That we walk on. I think feet are really kind of awesome in structure — they’re architectural, like bridges.

But feet do tend to freak a lot of people out.

There’s interacting with another person’s feet — which a lot of people cannot even contemplate doing. And then there’s having people interact with your own feet — which is apparently a whole other level of special torture for some folks.

I think part of why people are so anti-feet is because feet have this rep for being dirty. And, yeah, we stick them in socks and shoes (or not) and walk around on them all day (or not) and they get kind of sweaty sometimes. And sometimes they get dried out and the skin does weird things and there are a whole host of funguses that rejoice in the presence of feets.

Y’all, I think feet are way cute and even so I’m sitting here making this “ew” face that is usually reserved for when Ed makes me smell things that have gone off in the fridge.

Basically, feet (and armpits, too) (and maybe crotches) get the side eye and when other people want to touch them — or want us to touch theirs — a lot of us recoil in horror.

Actually getting a pedicure at a salon can be a strange experience. You wind up in a throne-like chair with a person — often a woman of color — crouched at your feet. There’s a lot of problematic stuff going on in the salon world, so I do recommend finding a reputable salon that treats its employees well. But then I’d also think about WHY we consider taking care of someone’s feet to be such a shit job.

My second toe is longer than my big toe – my father claimed this is a sign of intelligence. Feet may be weird but they aren’t bad or inherently gross. Having someone care for them isn’t an act of torture.

It’s probably also going to sound weird to you when I say that my family who are not, by and large, touchy feely — gave each other foot rubs when I was a kid. I grew up well versed in just how nice it feels to have someone take the time to massage your toes. And any nascent foot aversion I had got worked out pretty quickly, too.

This is why I don’t even think twice about pedicures now. In fact, if my toes are not painted, I feel like I am a special kind of naked that is far too outrageous for anyone to actually see.

Here’s the thing: I am told, by my mother, that I didn’t have toe nails when I was first born. Like, I had tiny little toes and no toe nails. Whether or not this is true — or  even normal for newborns — I have thus been lifelong grateful just to HAVE toenails. And so I want to make them as pretty as they can be.

Also, they are, rather like my fingernails, shaped a little irregularly.

Writing for xoJane is an exercise in sharing all of my embarrassing secrets. I don’t actually have a lot of them, so I guess I need to make some more.

Anyone can polish their toenails if they want to! There are no rules about who can have a pedicure!

The point is: I don’t polish my toenails every time I polish my fingernails but it’s a pretty near thing. The idea of not having polish on my toenails is way weirder to me than feet or having someone touch my feet. My feet are awesome — they carry me around all the time. Sometimes they hurt. They deserve some nice treatment.

Going to the salon for a pedicure is even more expensive than going in for a manicure, so I understand fiscal objections to pedicures really, really well. I treat myself to a spa pedicure once or two a year and manage with my at-home-haircut version the rest of the time.

If you live somewhere dry or if you are prone to dry skin:

Gently exfoliate your feet and heels with a loofah or even a shower puff. Then dry them. Find a super moisturizing lotion and slather it on until your toes are super slippery. This might end up feeling a little like you are sliding around in pudding. That’s OK. Put on a pair of socks and sleep that way. The skin on your feet will thank you by being soft and moisturized. Do this as often as you feel like!

If you’ve got little toes:

Toss out your toenail clipper. Those things are big and scary! There is no reason you cannot use your regular nail clippers. If you do not own regular nail clippers, you probably ought to, if only to deal with the raggedy edges of broken or chipped nails. It’s helps to hold onto your toes when you’re polishing each one of them. as Ed demonstrates here.

If you’re going to polish your piggies:

Remember that, just like with manicures, painting these things takes practice. If you get the polish everywhere, that is OKAY. It’ll come off in the shower! In fact, if you wear socks and shoes, it’ll probably come off when you take your socks off because your feet have been hanging out in socks all day, getting moist.

Dear self: Context doesn’t matter. “Getting moist” still sounds unfortunate.

Also, don’t skimp — use the base coat! Your toenails will stain the same way your fingernails will.

If you’re a tense little stress monkey — or even if you aren’t:

Use a tennis or golf ball to give yourself a foot massage. There’s a bunch of different ways to do this but it’s really good for the muscles in your feet. Sit down and put a golf ball or tennis ball under the sole of your foot. Move your foot around and use the ball to massage and apply pressure. You can use as much or as little pressure as you want.

If you have good balance, you can try standing on the tennis ball to super stretch your muscles. This can make a huge difference in how easy it is to bend over and touch your toes. If you are into that sort of thing. It’s OK if you aren’t.

Obviously, not all of these are appearance-related tips. That’s because a pedicure is not just about making your feet look nice. A pedicure is about making your feet FEEL nice. To you. And to other people, if you choose to let other people touch your feet.

I just really like it when our polish matches – sometimes I get the dog in on this action, too.

If you’ve got rough skin:

Use a scrub. You can buy fancy sugar scrubs — or you can make them. You can also use baking soda to make a fine-grained scrub. Or, if you’ve got a face scrub that you love, you can just use that. Because, again, skin. Feet aren’t faces, but still.

You can use tougher exfoliants if you have tougher feet. But remember that it is better to take things gradually. Give yourself a regular foot scrub every couple of days instead of going hardcore with the pumice stone or something.

It’s summer and there are articles all over the place about sandals and going barefoot (which I almost never do because I hate having things between my toes). A lot of media is going to tell you that you have to make sure your feet are pretty. Screw that — but I like making my feet feel good.

The toenail polish is just the icing on the feetcake.



*a sign of intelligence.   How can we relate toes to intelligence? Intel lies within the brain surely?

*little irregularly.      What is normal? Is there such thing???


*My feet are awesome — they carry me around all the time. Sometimes they hurt. They deserve some nice treatment.      This is the opinion on feet I want to empahsis!

Looking at Layout

Friday 23rd January

Today we had the pleasure of meeting Joao and with him we went though the basics of how to use InDesign as well as looking at how different magazines use layout and typography within them. I found the session extremely useful and informative and feel that the skills taught during these session will be of great use.

Joao went through the ‘Grid System’ and explained how it is used throughout the industry to create the desired layout. He explained that text boxes with simple squares with lines in them like a notebook, and an image has a big cross in them. He then went on to explain that the gutter is extremely important and that when making a book it can be crucial as you need the right amount to ensure the pages fit together in a way that the content doesn’t get lost within the seam.

Further more went through the idea of editorial flow and how pages need to make sense as you go thought them. The bleed were told is normally 3mm as you always overlap the page to ensure that you don’t get a white border around the edge of the page.

I addition to this he showed us example of parallax scrolling which I thought was brilliant and extremely clever. The idea of scrolling down but not actually scrolling down many pages is genius! I loved the animation of it all and the fun aspect it possess.

And finally he listed many different magazines that we should have a look at such as:


Looking at typography

Monday 12th Janurary

This week were introduced to typography and how it can be effective within a brand.

Screen Shot 2015-01-20 at 20.29.21


We were told to get into pairs, making sure we hadn’t worked with this person previously so to make new friends and new connections. Me and Maddy started to brain storm ideas together and this is where we are so far:


Screen Shot 2015-01-20 at 20.58.34

Introduction to AD138

Monday 5th January

For the first seminar of 2015 was in both form of a more detailed briefing for our next module; Introduction to fashion illustration and drawing! I’m really looking forward to learning new skills and being part of some more physical interacting classes. I myself am not the best at drawing fashion illustrations so I am excited to see what I can produce within the next few weeks.

The aims for our brief are:

1. To introduce students into fashion drawing, imaging processes and their roles in the fashion communication industry

2. To learn specialist techniques and become confident with specialist tools and equipment through project work, research and experiment in prac/ce

3. To experiment with different techniques, ideas and outputs within project briefs and sketchbook work

4. To prac/ce professionalism by commiRng to studio prac/ce through recording professional development, through crea/ng a blog and PDP

Initially we looked at some examples of how to produce fashion illustrations that are in proportion:


We then had a chance to practise and remind ourselves of how to use a pencil (it has been a while i must admit!)

Evaluation of my project

Tuesday 16th December

Brief 2, project ‘Trapped’ evaluation.

With regards to mine and phoebes project, overall I feel it went really well. The styling that I chose (very minimal and black) I feel strongly conveyed the meaning behind the project of feeling trapped, not only literally or physically but mentally too. Our first image looked at the literal entrapment a frame can convey and how you can present restriction through simple but strong additions to a photograph. The frame portrays how you can feel small and boxed in and the expression on the models face also conveys a sort of bizarre and menacing look thus suggesting a dark feeling towards the world. (see right)



The second image represents a more mental feeling of trapped, how psychologically you can feel trapped to the point you need to scream, maybe from frustration, anger or sadness. I feel this shoot went really well and the image is really strong although simple. (see below)



The third image states how someone can have more than one personality or one belief. How sometimes we feel confined by the world and the pressure to be a certain way. This shoot was challenging due to the lack of studio space but I feel has resulted in an extremely emotional and powerful image. (see below)



For the fourth image we decided to do a very raw portrait where by the model looked straight at the camera conveying emotion. We then added the wire on top of the photograph (using Photoshop) to give an enclosed look. The styling focuses on simple clothing representing the lack of freedom to express oneself outrageously and how society so often makes us feel restricted. (see right)




final shadows

The next image again uses fencing but this time we decided to only place it on the face to show a psychological kind of restriction. The shadow behind the person is to link in the idea of having more than one opinion in life. I think this shot is really strong and conveys our intended message effectively. (see left)




For the sixth image we used string to bind our
second models hands together to represent a physical struggle someone can
have. The light also focuses on the hands to emphasise this. This shot I feel
makes you think of events where by you can relate and really pulls you in.
(see left)




 Next we concentrated on the idea that you can feel smaller than the world and that you can feel trapped in terms of there being to many options out there. It portrays how you can feel trapped from instead, not form a lack of possibilities but actually that some feel there is so many and thus can feel trapped by the possibility of taking the wrong one. This is my favourite image within our story as the detail within the shadow i just fascinating and was in fact very rewarding to capture; I love how you can even see his eyelashes and the bits of hair that are out of place. (see right)


tights finalF

For the eighth image we decided to use a white background to emphasise the netting placed around the arms. This again as does the sixth image, represents a physical entrapment and aims to make the viewer consider what it would be like to lack a body part and how that physical loss would make you feel trapped in your abilities. Not being able to see the models eyes also gives a very unsure feeling, drawing you in. (see left)


For the ninth and final image we again used props to emphasis a physical feeling of trapped. The bag over the head suggests suffocation and the string portrays the struggle and the will to break out of feeling that way. The use of dark lighting within the image I feel in turn conveys a dark message and makes you feel cold and also consumed. (see right)



Overall I think our story presents a set of really strong and story-telling set of images. Although I think we could have possibly played with the wardrobe further I also feel that the lack of emphasis on the clothing creates a stronger message and makes the viewer consider the feeling and emotion behind the image in more depth. I think that in terms of lighting we produced effective images although further practice would have been useful. Being able to have access to a studio would have made lighting and then editing easier, however in image 9 I feel the crinkled and uneven background works as it portrays that life is not smooth and nor is the feeling of being trapped.

Research in relation to each image

Monday 8th December

These images were based on Jenn Ackerman’s work within the article ‘Trapped: The story of the Mentally Ill in Prison’ by David Rosenberg. The article goes into detail and explain how Jenn’s work portrays how patients react and behave whist being trapped in prison. The images presented are powerful but disturbing images that convey extreme emotion and this inspired the images chosen.

Looking at the first image we witness the piercing yet blank stare given by the model, conveying a loss of some kind where as within the second we can see a hidden, suffocated look portraying that the subject feels claustrophobic; the string representing the want to escape.

<Image 1

Image 2>







The next image is based on the idea of straight jacket and feeling restrained and restricted in your capabilities.


Further more image 4 looks into animal captivity and how they aren’t only trapped through a lack in communication but literally though fencing, it is impossible to match their surroundings to what they would be within the wild. The mesh tights are representing the fencing and as movement of limbs contributes to way we communicate we deliberately bound the hands.

tights finalFIn addition the next set of images relates this idea of having more than one self (image 6) and the need to escape it (image 5), we felt that movement emphasised this effectively.

Image 5







Image 5






These two images relate to how people psychology can feel trapped and are inspired by someone who wrote a post on the mental health forum explaining how they feel trapped within themselves.

IMG_9071 IMG_9205

<Image 7

Image 8>








The final image focuses on shadow and how it can represent someone feeling small and insignificant, how someone can feel trapped from reality and the pressures and stresses of life in general.