Collage work

Monday 2nd February

Today we had the pleasure of meeting Aaro, one of Jules’ ex students who conducted a collage workshop which I felt was really useful and got me thinking about layout a lot.

My favourite outcomes:

1. This one is all about women worrying about how they look to others rather than whether they like what they are wearing.









2. This one represents how it’s all about the accessories and not about model. The bag is the main focus.









3. This collage is saying that women are exposed and looked at as possessions and are lusted for their legs,v and not themselves.









4. Here I was looking at the idea of playing with the content. ‘You think you’re reading me, but really i’m reading you.’ Stating that women sometimes aren’t given enough credit for what they can and do, accomplish.









5. Finally, I was looking this idea of waste. How that we diet and try so desperately to alter our bodies to fit the ideal of healthy and good looking.
