The story behind the object.

Thursday 30th October

Our lecture today, led by Jane Hattrick was one that focused on this idea that an object / artifact can possess a meaning; one that is not necessarily the same to all those that come into contact with it. We looked at Norman Hartnell, in particular we looked at  his regency chaise longue that went from being once an amazing piece of furniture to now being situated in a house in cornwall, covered in manufactured teddy bears.

Further more Matt Smith also spoke to use about his work and how he creates new objects out of already made pieces of art work. On his website, ( it is stated that:

“Through repurposing and reinterpretation, the work aims to question the stories we are told, explore those we are not told and allow a space for the viewer to reach their own conclusions.”

Hide and Seek, by Matt Smith

Hide and Seek, Matt Smith.


For the seminar this week we were asked to bring in an object we felt had some meaning or a story to it, for mine I chose my treasured teddy bear, Money bags. I suddenly went totally blank when asked why he was called that and so asked my dad to text me the reason and this is the message I received:

“His name comes from a time I left Cyprus. I was 10 and leaving Cyprus and I saw him in a shop. According to Grandma I had never asked for anything but asked her if she liked him? She said yes she did and asked me if I would like him. As I recall I said well I thought he looked at me! She persuaded Papa to buy him and he said he was the most expensive Bear in the shop. I was struggling for a name so Papa said call him “Money Bags” as he is the most expensive Bear in the airport! I then had to walk across the Tarmac to the plane and Grandma said it was the only time she saw my Dad with a tear in his eye as I walked to the plane. Hence why he is so precious! Does that help? Sx”

The whole class including myself got teary eyed and felt an emotional response to the meaning behind this object- a very unexpected outcome to my afternoon I must admit!

Money bags.

Money bags.