A fine art film ‘Gigapixels of Andromeda’

Screen Shot 2015-03-30 at 16.43.41Screen Shot 2015-03-30 at 16.43.46AD139 Week 1 Critique

-Adapted from Marvin Bartel (2002).

First impressions. Guesses. What I see, not what I like or dislike. Suspend judgement. Describe, analyse, and interpret.

The largest picture ever taken

  1. What stands out to you?
    The clarity and how clear the image is. I love the different textures portrayed
  1. Explain the reason you notice what you mention in Q1.
    It makes me think of grains and sci-fi elements
  1. As you keep watching, what else seems important?
    The many layers within the picture
  1. Why does the element you mention in Q3 seem important?
    It portrays a depth, a never-ending list of possibilities
  1. How has contrast/structure/space/colour been used?
    Scientific clarity
  1. What leads your eye around from place to place?
    The bigger dots within the dotted mass
  1. What seems to be hiding in the composition?
    The different colours and textures within each layer
  1. How does this video make you feel?
    It makes me feel as if anything is possible, that there is so much out there to discover and experience. It captivates me and pulls me in making me engage and want to keep watching it.
  1. Suggest up to 10 key words that relate to the meaning of this work.
    Space, matter, glitter, stars, texture, layers, explosion, distance