Research in relation to each image

Monday 8th December

These images were based on Jenn Ackerman’s work within the article ‘Trapped: The story of the Mentally Ill in Prison’ by David Rosenberg. The article goes into detail and explain how Jenn’s work portrays how patients react and behave whist being trapped in prison. The images presented are powerful but disturbing images that convey extreme emotion and this inspired the images chosen.

Looking at the first image we witness the piercing yet blank stare given by the model, conveying a loss of some kind where as within the second we can see a hidden, suffocated look portraying that the subject feels claustrophobic; the string representing the want to escape.

<Image 1

Image 2>







The next image is based on the idea of straight jacket and feeling restrained and restricted in your capabilities.


Further more image 4 looks into animal captivity and how they aren’t only trapped through a lack in communication but literally though fencing, it is impossible to match their surroundings to what they would be within the wild. The mesh tights are representing the fencing and as movement of limbs contributes to way we communicate we deliberately bound the hands.

tights finalFIn addition the next set of images relates this idea of having more than one self (image 6) and the need to escape it (image 5), we felt that movement emphasised this effectively.

Image 5







Image 5






These two images relate to how people psychology can feel trapped and are inspired by someone who wrote a post on the mental health forum explaining how they feel trapped within themselves.

IMG_9071 IMG_9205

<Image 7

Image 8>








The final image focuses on shadow and how it can represent someone feeling small and insignificant, how someone can feel trapped from reality and the pressures and stresses of life in general.