End of module: Reflective review

Friday 31st October

This morning we had our reflective session where by we discussed our projects in detail, in groups of four, first together and then with our teacher. We considered what it is we thought went well, maybe didn’t go so well, what we thought we could improve on and would change given the chance.

For me I feel that overall my sketchbook went well although I feel that I could have included and linked my work with more artists research. I feel this would have given my project  some further support and substance. In addition I really enjoyed the digital work we conducted over the course of this project and am pleased with the outcomes i’ve created so far.

However I think I have produced a better, more grammatical essay, that had a better flow throughout it. I feel that my quotes and referring were fairly strong but that the presentation of it could be improved through increasing my spacing to a 1.5 line point, as well as giving the quotes their own space in order to improve the read over all.

Finally I could have put more sketches into my sketchbook to even out the digital pieces I have produced combined with some more experimental pieces that display different medias.

Overall I think my project went smoothly and although it took a little while to get myself sorted and comfortable within the project I am pleased with the outcomes to the briefs I have produced.

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