Why do certain objects leave a stain in our lives?

Tuesday 28th October 2014

Since looking at the Renegade collection, (situated within the Pavilion museum) in particular the Teddy boy outfit, I have been thinking about how I could move this project forward and develop it into one of substance.

In addition to reflecting on how the little necktie caught my attention from the outfit, in class we started discussing this idea of stain and how there is a double meaning to it. We considered how the literal meaning of spilling some dye on a bit of cloth is not the only definition of stain; there is such thing as an emotional stain.

Thus I am going to look into the concept of attachment and how we grow fond of the items we possess and in particular why not all of them.

To start off initially I have just been experimenting with illustrator both to give me practice using the software and also portray a couple of items important to me.


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