Design for the real world?

Thursday 23rd October 2014

Today we covered what this title means in relation to the contemporary culture that we live in today. What makes the world a better place in terms of design in relation to this topic? Key questions asked in the seminar afterwards were how realistic is realistic? What does the word mean in relation to being successful? What is success?

During the lecture we initially looked at Mary Quant and the creation of her mini skirt. I found the fact that the Mini Cooper, the car, influenced her mini skirt. I also loved the comment made by our lecturer, Damon Taylor that “our hem lines are constantly changing in relation to changes in the economy”.

Further more we looked at how Papanek believed we were using up the worlds resources and that our creativeness is striped from us the older we get. “until they enter school, most people seem to be about equality adept at solving problems. Then the inherent ability to creates becomes inhibited by perceptual, cultural and emotional blocks.” (Papanek)

Overall, I found today really enlightening and it made me question what it is want and would consider being successful in terms of my ambitions from life. Damon Taylor closed his lecture with the comments of “Everything you do is about the real world and how big you make it. It’s not about you today but who you will be.”

What do I want? When will I consider myself successful? Is it money? Is it the title I have? Is it where I am and who I am with in the end? Honestly, I don’t know yet. All I do know is I will work my very hardest to hopefully be able to have the choice of deciding one day.


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