Project Proposal

I am going to create an up to date cancer community specifically aimed at young women between the ages of 16-30 (although this is not strict). The main issue my cancer community will address is physical appearance as through my extensive research and first hand experience it has become clear that this issue is by far the most daunting but also heavily overlooked by existing charities which are aimed at young people. This cancer community will aim to ensure women still feel confident and stylish whilst battling cancer, as well as offer a platform to visit to ask for advice and meet other young women fighting the same fight.

As a result of my research into young women battling cancer, I have been able to realise the areas that are not supported by charities which already exist. The most prominent issue that is overlooked by charities which support young people with cancer is the lack of confidence young women have as they go through so many physical changes to their body. Some of the physical changes young women go through include; hair loss (including eyebrows and eyelashes), weight gain or weight loss, discoloured skin, weakened or loss of finger nails, scars from operations, permanent lines inserted such as PICC lines or Hickman lines, rashes, discoloured teeth, swelling from steroids and many many more. Through the hundreds of young women reaching out to me via social media after the publicity of my blog and Instagram page, it became clear that young women battling cancer needed support when facing changes of their appearance. This daunting experience of cancer is often overlooked as one of the less important side effects but for many they noted it as the most daunting.

There is also currently not a platform whereby young women battling cancer can unite, this is important because through my questionnaire I found out that young women find it more convenient to turn to one another rather than a social worker provided by other charities.

As it stands there are no cancer communities made up of just young women which focus on physical appearance changes and confidence issues. Therefore my project will offer a community (via my website and social media platforms) for young women to turn to, to find advice on, for example, wigs and hair replacement systems, makeup techniques, skin care, head scarf tying techniques, nails and also fashion advice for covering up PICC lines or rashes or for disguising weight gain.

I will build social media platforms on Instagram and Facebook (the Facebook group will be request to join in order for a secure place to seek advice) and the Instagram page will be full of confident young women with cancer, with their stories as well as promoting the information available to access on the website.

The website will be stylish and on trend in order to create a platform which young women feel they can relate to, and feel that they are reading a regular fashion magazine or blog rather than something which is specific to cancer.

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