Commercial Photography

Becoming a commercial photographer can often look out of reach. The fierce industry seems hugely competitive and can often leave you feeling unmotivated. Lauren Maccabee gave us a talk during one of our lectures and spoke about the realness of commercial photography and gave us tips on how to ‘break in’ to the industry. Some of this advice, which is helpful for all creatives out there, include:

  • Practice! Go out with a friend one day, take a camera and shoot. This enables you to get used to your equipment and help with any fears regarding taking photos in public. 


  • Go to networking events and artist talks. The most recent artist talk I attended was in Fabrica in Brighton. Although I was extremely nervous and felt out of my depth, I managed to talk to the artist himself about his practice and local publishers and like-minded creatives. It was incredibly motivating and also gave me precious contacts.


  • Don’t be afraid to volunteer or initially do work for free. Although I don’t recommend doing this all the time, it is a good idea when starting to contact model agencies or any commercial events that are taking place to ask if you can come along with a camera for free. Not only does this again help build your confidence, but it also gives you incredible images to put in your portfolio and social media accounts and invaluable experience!

It was great to hear the truth during Lauren’s talk; it was also reassuring to hear that nothing was too out of reach. I, too, will be practising the advice she gave us, and I hope that you reading this does too!

Becoming Businesslike

Ever thought about starting your own business? It can feel very daunting. At the University of Brighton, Clare Griffiths is the face of an organisation called ‘Beepurple’, which helps give business support to students who want to start up a business or enter the world of freelance.
Through workshops and 1:2:1 sessions, students can seek support on any questions they may have regarding becoming self-employed and starting a business or ask for help when it comes to business ideas and how to sort out the logistics and legal side of becoming self-employed. All of the advice ‘Beepurple’ gives is valuable and perhaps not something we can access after leaving university. As a final year student who had never heard of ‘Beepurple’, I was particularly excited about the prospects and guidance I could receive. Setting up a business and working as a freelance photographer are things that I want to do upon finishing my studies.

Through a confidential meeting, Clare can identify what steps you need to take for your idea to happen. For example, a team of consultants can give specialist advice if and when you need it. This advice could be regarding contracts, product design or marketing advice for free!

As the article AXIOS states, ‘The Pandemic-era Businesses Boom’ recalls the period of rapid growth in small businesses that started to emerge during the global lockdowns. This could be because people were losing their jobs, were off work sick for an extended period, or because they had more time in their day to figure out what they creatively enjoyed. The rise of the stay-at-home economy created new business opportunities in arts, food delivery and many others. As the small business market is now more significant than ever due to the lasting impact of the pandemic, now is the time to contact Clare at ‘Beepurple’. Soak up all the advice whilst you can, so you too can start your own small business or self-employed adventure.

Useful links: