Working In Groups: Lets Reflect! (Digital Marketing Individual blog)

Digital Marketing Individual blog

  • Nathan Taylor (Student N.O 19805507) , 6th February 2021
  • Course: IT282
  • Seminar group : S2RGP2
  • Assignment group 9


The purpose of this article is to reflect on my recent experience of working in a group to produce digital marketing analysis of a company of our choice. In my group we chose to analyse Tesla Motors. I will touch on the theory of reflection and will discuss my thoughts on the overall experience of the project.


The Theory of Reflection

The use of learning through reflection is commonly used by executives, where knowledge is acquired from previous experiences (Schon, 1991).  Kolb’s model (1984) can be used to explain the learning process, which is considered to be  a four step cycle; a person experiences something new, and then reflect on this, from which unique thoughts are developed about what they have learned about having this experience. Then when a new situation occurs, this new knowledge is then implemented.


 My personal reflection on working in a group

I went into this project with a pessimistic attitude towards group work, having had negative experiences with group work assignments in the past, where there was a lack of communication and effort from other group members. I assumed that this would be the case with this project, especially due to the lack of in person meet ups we would experience because of the restrictions bought about from the COVID-19 pandemic, making the presentation much harder to complete.

Upon review of this project, I am pleasantly surprised that our team was very effective. We created a group chat on WhatsApp and were all active on there. We were able to plan and communicate easily as well as delegate sections equally to everyone in the group and organise a deadline for when we had to finish our individual sections of the presentation. We also used Microsoft Teams to create the presentation. This unified platform allowed us to complete our voice overs separately when needed, eradicating the need for all of us to meet together which was majorly useful.

Having the  WhatsApp group chat allowed me to learn how valuable online communication can be. It allowed us as a group to talk about what problems we were facing, at the exact moment we were facing them, with the chances of fast reply, instead of arrange in person sessions which are harder to organise. Using ht group chat meant that at least one person was active and would respond to any comments made, and for anyone not involved in the conversation at present, could scroll up and read previous messages.


Through the practice of reflection my attitude has changed; the effectiveness of the WhatsApp group chat, in addition to the use of Microsoft Teams, is something I will use and implement in future group projects as it happened to make the group project more pleasant, showing that not all group projects will be difficult to manage, it just takes the right mode of communication and the right attitude from everyone to ensure that the operation runs smoothly

If you are interested on how to work in a group successfully here is a video link > 



Kolb, D., 1984. Experiential Learning: Experience as The Source of Learning and Development. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, p.21.

McLeod, S. A. , 2017. Kolb – learning styles. Simply Psychology [online]. Available at> [Accessed 6 February 2021]

Schön, DA 1994, The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action, Taylor & Francis Group, Abingdon, Oxon. Available from: ProQuest Ebook Central. [6 February 2021].

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