Blog Post One – Perception

Cognitive psychology as a module offers an in-depth and intriguing look into the human brain, how it ticks and how the makeup of the human brain allows us to live our lives as well as how, if there is a problem with a certain section of our brains, it can affect our mental health and negatively impact our lives. Although I’ve so far been thoroughly enjoying every aspect of this module, my favourite topic so far has been the topic of perception. I am fascinated by the idea that different people can view the same image and see something completely different from the others. It interests me to think that, for example, one individual’s perception of the colour blue could look different to someone else’s yet, despite this difference, we still know that what we see is what we’ve been taught is the colour blue. Similarly, the Gestalt approach in which psychologists showed people a picture containing a reversable figure in which two images come together to make one and can be used to test people’s perception. Due to the way the light falls, depends on which image you see first and therefore determines our perception of images.

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