Reflection – change in course due to lock down

Trying to produce final major project through the virus and lock down has been incredibly hard when i have felt so de motivated to complete work when my mind is else where.

The change in teaching hasn’t been the best for me either as i suffer with social anxiety and video calls are something that bring out my panic attacks, therefore i have missed out on tutorial slots for about 4 weeks now, and my tutor hasn’t been able to adapt to this and suggest other methods of communication. Emails are sent back and forth with bare minimum responses and only half the questions answers or not having correct work looked at. I feel like i’ve has less contact time then most students and have been left in the corner with many answers not answered. The lack of responses puts me on hold and i cant correct or understand where i am at with my work without tutor feedback.

Not being able to have contact during easter break seems silly now as we are only given 10 mins a week with tutors anyway and since we are all under so much stress of having to change ideas so close to the deadline having a weekly catch up is needed.




Merchandise feedback from fans

Merchandise i designed to go along with the album launch. As i said in my sketchbook i wanted to make sure the items are appealing to the target market of those aged between 18-25 which is the main market of those within K-pop. With an older fan base many have said they don’t like it when the face of the idol is plastered on the front as it seems childish. From my sketchbook you can also see a lot of k-pop merchandise is graphic based therefore i created these and wanted to get feedback from fans to see what they think.

Feedback – i asked what one they would buy.

  • Kai – female – 26 – likes the second design most and would purchase it.
  • Sam/Niki (TTK_uk You-tubers) male – 27 – they also liked the second design most as its minimal and stylish would be proud to wear it as a fan.
  • Sophie – female – 22 – likes the last hoodie best. Is a fan of the line drawing, this its clever way to include TEN without it being cheesy. It would also be someone fans could notice as merchandise but not the general public.
  • Aamina – female – 22 – Likes the tote bags as its something she uses every day from food shopping to taking laptop/books into uni.
  • Max – male – 23 – Likes the second design most, looks like a hoodie he would find in Urban outfitters over something for a K-pop group which makes it easier to wear around the streets.
  • Ally – female – 22 – the last hoodie and the same illustration on the tote bag due to her love for illustrations in general.

I am the same as ally and as i fan i would be happy to purchase the matching items.

The first idea, wasn’t liked my anyone therefore i don’t think i will be adding into the final collection. Its a design that is more simple compared to the others, this style of graphic is also out of fashion at the moment. Where as the Chinese text and line drawing can be found in a lot of high street stores recently, such as Urban Outfitters and Topshop.


I am however happy that both males and females like the ideas as can be seen worn by a range of ages due to the simple designs.

To do list

Taking a step back and having a look where i am at with the project. See what i have completed and how it can be finalised and then look at what i still have get to produce. Anything in red is what i still need to do.  6 weeks to go.

What i want to achieve by the end;

  • Artist pack. A Media pack to tell those reading who TEN is, looking at his background, management, groups and style. Still need to spell check and add in page about TENs culture. 
  •  PR/Media pack. A Pack to put across the solo album idea as a business proposal. To inform about album contents, marketing plan and branding. Still need to spell check, complete the calendar (gantt chart) Finish brand endorsement page  ( research into best brands to work with and why) and budget page (research needed to understand pricing)  
  • Teaser for Debut Solo Album to use on social media for marketing.  Finalise footage (choose what film i wanna use and perfect the one i pick) , photoshop footage into social media for press packs. 
  • Press Poster, wanted to pick visual content and print them at A3 for something more pleasing to the eye and a fun overall idea of what the more detailed packs talk about. Pick visual content for include on the press poster, layout and information. 
  • ALBUM, Produce the album package that is marketed within South Korea. The CD, Photo book, Photo card, Poster. The albums also contain something new and different most times depending on the group from stickers to figures i have decided to add in a letter.  Add in the Chinese translations. Find someone to translate the Korean and add in. Produce final PDF of all elements that the pack would contain. 
  • Add all work together into one document for one document. Find way to submit the film footage. 

Album insert

After testing out mock ups for the idea of showcasing the album and the insert to match the ideas i found through research, the final product come out  well. I have attached a few examples. Full PDF will be sent in through turn it in.

I kept the same colour background and shadows the same to keep it looking clean and together as a whole piece. The same style of mockups were used for other ideas such as posters and package. I edited and adapted the mock ups so they matched and kept the same style through out.

Album insert – Graphic ideas

Due to having to re think how i can present my idea for the physical album. I have searched and looked for ways to showcase my album and the insert to look as clean as possible and something thats a bit different to handing in a PFD.

A friend of mine graduated last year from the university and is now studying a graphics masters and i went and asked for help on ideas and how i could carry out something i had seen on instagram  from  the  Vogue  Korea  account and  the  Exo  account.

I then went onto to look at the different mock ups available  to work with to have the effect i want to the final piece.

Ones i like are;

  • Open Magazine Mockup
  • Magazine Mockup
  • Magazine PSD Mockup
  • Book Perspective Mockup

I also went onto to find other options the ones i likes are

  • Hardcover book 2
  • A5 magazine mock up

Looking at CD mocks up on

The instagram posts that gave me this idea.


Due to the current circumstances and changes to uni there is changes and adaptations i need to think about to work with the situation and how i can adapt my work.

Everything now needs to be handed in digitally. There for i need to see what the best option is for me, to create a physical CD package or create a graphic based one to showcase what i would have produced. Something i need to get advice for from tutors.

Create a time table to follow to make sure all points are covered, and that i am taking time out for other things such as working, family and keeping as calm as possible.


  • Bulk out press pack
  • Finish artist information pack.
  • Look at text graphic for video and finish video
  • Create a graphic plan for how to showcase album without a physical copy
  • Look at how to complete portfolio project without creating physical copies – ask tutors for advice
  • Update blog with progress
  • Edit and use my own photos within the press pack
  • Be imaginative and productive
  • Spell check


Social media edits

For the screen grabs within the press packs of showcasing social media.

I screen grabbed the youtube link for TENS video – Dream in a dream – and then took it into photoshop to edit the contents to match with my album launch.


  • The title of the video
  • View count
  • Upload date
  • Likes
  • Hashtags

I then took this into Premier pro and added in the video i created on top.


My edit

For the instagram i didn’t change anything apart form the Three top posts to run with the content i created and what would be posted from the account to inform fans about the new album.

My edit

For the Twitter page, i went and screen grabbed the SM town account and took this into photoshop to add in the tweet about TENS solo launch, adding in hashtag’s, youtube link and album title.

My edit.


My task for the next coming weeks will be to learn how to use Adobe After Effects and i hope to be able to add in graphics and text from the two videos i have attached bellow as i think this could add in more layers and textures to the footage i have edited from the concert. The footage i was able to get of TEN from the concert was not high quality and the video seems to fall flat with me and i think adding in the playful text can add in a new element that could lift the video to the next level for a perfect advert/teaser.

Attached my video bellow, the one i aim to add graphics too.

The following two videos are the ones i have spoken about in my sketchbook as inspiration for the text.

Concept change – Photos

For the new concept idea of using culture as the focus idea through the album to showcase the beauty of South Korea to fans globally.

I took a trip to Seoul in 2019 and made sure to capture every street corner and element of the day so i could remember to trip. I also made sure to capture as much as possible as i knew that i wanted to focus my final year projects around Korea from their fashion, to music, to their graphics and landscapes.

Therefore i went and searched through all my photos from the trip and selected the best ones. I was looking for photographs that displayed the beauty of Korea. Landscapes, streets, architecture and colours. I wanted to make sure to use the photos that showcased the beauty Seoul holds on a day to day bases. These are locations people see on their trip to work or the shops, i wanted the photos to be beautiful and hold the special moments to draw people in. I want people to see the photos of Korea within the album photo-book and  understand part of the culture Ten grew up with.

Bellow are some of the photos i am hoping to use. Unedited.


Some photos i have edited to bring out the colours more.

Change in concept

Due to feedback from Chris during tutorials about making sure all the content within the press pack are my own photos i have to make adjustments in my ideas for the concept. Changing the concept from the Prince idea to the idea of focusing the album around TENS culture and showcasing it to the world, however i wanted to keep the elegance,  sleek and Price style running through it subtly as this is something fans liked the idea off. There for i kept the rich red tones and a strong colour contrast in the images of Ten and the photography included. Choosing the most beautiful moments.

The change of concept main focus was now on the beauty of Korea, from the culture, language and scenery. I have decided to look to culture, the connection between idols and fans and the emotions involved. Therefore I went and found photos I have taken through Brighton, London and Korea. Travelling to places to connect to music, cultures, people and Korean idols in a more personal manner. Showing this through photography i had taken while on my trip to South Korea, these being placed within the album photo book and press packs. This concept i also like the idea off, as being a fan of many k-pop acts it meant i also fell in love with Korea as a country and being able to go out there my self was a bucket list moment. Through having this as a concept showcasing the streets of Seoul gives fans the same chance to see South Korea and its beauty as many are not able to go in person.

Change of idea and concept also came with the idea for the video. I originally wanted to film a dancer for a dance piece, however after feedback and it being quite a generic idea we decided to make it more personal. I was also struggling to find free time that matched with the two dancers i found there for it was a task that i become really stuck in. Chris then told me to look at the creation of the video more from my stand point of being a fan. I then actually got the change to see TEN live with his group SuperM and he was performing his solo song. Due to rules at the O2 arena in London i wasn’t allowed to take in a professional camera in, there for i was filming just on my phone. I wanted to enjoy the night as i am a fan, however capturing the moments i wanted to. through this i was able to create a teaser video, with Ten in himself for a more capturing video. If the circumstances were different i would have liked a camera for higher quality footage.

Change in concept page layout to go with the new idea.