A presentation of research and basic ideas for VOIX advertising and PR.

Looking at;

  • Interviews
  • Adverts and what brands we would want within the magazine
  • Competitors
  • Target market
  • social media’s

Using this as a starting point and something to show the group, to get their feedback and thoughts on ideas.

magazine first research -1sld4sh

David Ogilvy Research

David Ogilvy – Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide ad agency

In 1948 he founded ad agency Hewitt, Ogilvy, Benson and Mather.  Became the most famous copywriter in the world and the 10th biggest agency in the world.

‘ Advertising is not an art form, it’s a medium for information, a message for a single purpose: to see’

Ogilvy always said that he didn’t want people to find his advertisements creative he wanted people to find them so interesting that they had to go out and buy the product. Along with this its said that its not just about a advert being creative or witty just for the sake of it but its more important to build a trust with your audience and to increase sales.

Ogilvy strongly believed in in depth research to be able to create the best advertisements. Its important to know everything about the product/service and the audience before writing/creating a campaign. Creating the correct message for your audeicne to make sure they connect with it on a one to one basis.


7 Commandments In Advertisements

1- Your role is to sell (don’t let anything distract from that) explain briefly – what you sell, and how buying it will improve the readers lives.

2- Cleary define your positing – what and who for? Study the target audience, strong promotional campaign

3- Study the consumer in detail – market research and surveys. Who are you writing for? How the person thinks? What the person needs?

4-Think of the advertisements as a women, give as much information as possible. – respect you audience, supply with the correct information, don’t lie,

5-Talk in a langue they use everyday., as if a close friend. Write as if there is only one reader.

‘If you’re trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, it seems to me you should use their language, the language they use every day, the language in which they think. We try to write in the vernacular.’

6-Write great headlines. 8 out of 10 people only read the headline., a headline is getting the attention to make them read more. Know the product inside out to write the best headline.

On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.

7-Highlight the product by making it the hero and Don’t sacrifice sales just to be creative


Examples of his best known adverts

Some of the most iconic campaigns that gave Ogilvy his name in the industry are;

  • The man from schweppes is here
  • The Rolls-Royce ad
  • Pablo Casals is coming home
  • Only dove is one quarter moisturising cream
  • The man in the hallway shirt

The ad he created for Dove made it become the best selling soap in the united states and the brand still uses the same target market and message today.

Advertorials: How To Write Them & Why They’re Awesome




Advertorial Research

As my role in this group project is PR (Branding and advertising) I decided a good way to start my research is looking into advertising. Within our magazine we have decided the adverts need to fit with the tone of voice and message we are putting across there for, for me to be able to make the right choices for our adverts ill need a in depth understanding of different adverts, structures, messages, types and brands.

Im first researching into advertorials. Below is my sketchbook with basic annotations on examples i found of different advertorials.


The definition of advertorials from the oxford english dictionary – A newspaper or magazine advertisement giving information about a product in the style of an editorial or objective journalistic article


To best advertorials are those that are an advertisement with the elements of editorial content. Brands will pay for their product or service to be advertised in a magazine as an advertorial so they can put their content and imagery into a publication but still make it look like a article. An advertorial needs to be something readers will pay attention to, so having the correct balance of promotional imaging and content is so important. A popular thing for brands to do is to sponsor a article about something that links with their message and place a banner at the top while also making sure they are mentioned within the content. 

Article 1
Article 2

Advertorials: How To Write Them & Why They’re Awesome

Article 1 is of online platform ‘The Onion’, its an article all about productivity and Starbucks have decided to sponsor this advert as they are known for their coffee, this having a link due to the connection people have between coffee and being productive and ready to work. Therefor through this article the brands logo pops up in banners and next to the titles. Its subtle advertisement but will catch attention of most readers as its a logo they are going to be aware of.

Article 2 is from ‘BuzzFeed’, an article about bands therefor Spotify is the sponsor. A brand that fits perfectly with the content and blends in, it makes the advert seem so natural. Again its a brand that is so recognisable to many but still creates promotion and use of their service. The logo is seen 4 times just through banners and pop ups along the side of the page.

An advertorial needs to link with the magazine and article, as readers are automatically going to trust the credibility of the product or service if its in a magazine they trust and are familiar with. Advertorial is all about the content and giving readers information and less about sales unlike a simple brand avert. The aim is to increase brand interactions and word of mouth advertising as content will strike discussions.

Advertorials change layout depending on the platform its on or what magazine its within. They will usually fit the same design as the rest of the magazine so its looks just like the other editorials and articles within the print, this meaning readers are more likely to take in the content and the message its putting across. Advertorials are more read then adverts as they are promoting and selling a product/service less obviously or indirectly.

Advertorial 1
Advertorial 2


The group had a few ideas for the magazine project. We focused on the concept being interviews with the focus on the creators making a difference. As a group we liked the idea of contrast, so we developed on this and agreed we would display contrast through the design and layout of our magazine.

For the name of the magazine we all agreed that we wanted a single word with a big impact. After discussing a few ideas and we liked the idea of VOICE as the magazine will be giving the creators and the new ideas a voice. VOICE then changed to VOIX (in french) after we had ideas of other names being in german or Spanish. We believe it makes the magazine stand out more, and strikes up questions to what it means.

Bellow is the mind map we put together in out second group meeting, to be able to put down all the groups ideas. Looking at all our indavidual roles and what we need to focus on to work as group and put all thoughts together.



The Fashion Editorial Brief

For this project i need to create a full colour magazine and a media pack, within a group. The magazine needs to contain a main feature article, secondary articles,at least 2 fashion editorials and a main fashion editorial.

Within this project i will be focusing on the role of Advertising and Promotion. There for through this project my tasks will be based around the understanding and shaping of the magazine while having to create marking material. My main jobs will looking at written content, funding, advertising, market material, social media, visual merchandising and the launch party.

My group:

Millie dyson (me) – Advertising and promotion

Thea Nowell – Advertising and promotion

Vanessa Bishop Menrad – Art director

Zach O’Connell – Art director

Megan Long – Photographers and stylist

Helly India Pringle – Photographers and stylist

Adeola Georgie Balogun – Photographers and stylist