Studio Photos

This week I completed a test shoot to try out different gels to see which colours worked best in the studio, which ones compliment the models skin town and work together well. Doing this has allowed me to feel a little more confident about going into the studio and working on my photography skills during FMP. Spending the day in the studio also allowed me to understand how to use background lighting to create the white backdrop. Also learning how to create the colour lighting only on the models face and not effecting the backdrop when needed for a more crisp effect, however i also know how to adapt the lights to the backdrop is also lit up with the bright colours. Carrying out the test shoot meant i was also able to get back on to light room and edit photos to bring out the brightness and depth of each shot. For FMP i want to be able to in the studio a lot more with a lot more pre planning to think more in depth about positions for the model, styling and props  that work best with the concept for the photoshoot and album.

I work with pink, blue, green, purple and orange gels through out the day looking at them separately and together. Colour pairs i liked together was the pink & blue, red & blue. I think the purple works well alone, the pair of green and purple wasn’t as pleasing on the eye. If i was to go back in the studio i would like to see how the purple gel and the red gel work together. Using the gels in video is something i would also consider using for the video teasers i aim on creating within FMP. I have a lot of room for improvement within my studio work so i will make sure that with going forward with FMP plans that i will have multiple studio days booked out to capture the best photos. 

Week 8

Completing my press pack has allowed me to understand what parts I would need to research to produce a complete album, release in my FMP.  If I was to do this project again I would have produced this sooner! If i had i could have planned out a schedule helping me to see what areas needed to be covered and by when allowing me to create a more detailed plan for this project.

Next Steps: In this last week I would like to get into a studio to take some of my own photos. Photography is not something I have done since first year and a skill I will need to complete my FMP so I would like to refresh my skills and see if I can Learn anything new. I have discussed colour throughout my project and would like to have a go at experimenting with different colour gels in the studio.

Final To Dos:
Spell Check
Complete annotations
Make sure I am prepared for hand in.

Press Pack

My Base idea started off knowing i wanted to create a media/press pack for a concept as this is the area i am most confident in as i enjoy the business elements, and i worked a lot of the planning and development of projects through my placement at a production company. I created a mock press pack for Jay Park a Korean American R&B artist, from doing this is enabled me to understand what elements would be needed to create a in detail pack within my FMP. It was also a good starting point as i then knew where to get started on what areas i could experiment with surrounding graphics and images.

From creating a pack like this is also a great starting point to understand an artist, their work, background and aims within the industry which helps to create the best content to fit that individual.

Can find me full Press Pack within my sketchbook.

Week 7

This week I feel I have learnt a lot of different skills while video editing in Premier Pro. Skills i feel i have either learnt or developed are; how to add text, transitions and effects, cropping and split screening.  I am feeling much more confident in this area now after positive feedback in my tutorial, I Will definitely be taking this forward into my FMP.

Next Steps: create a mock up press pack to understand what information would be needed as this draws back upon my original specialism and where i feel most confident at.


The music video for DIFFERENT by the artists WOODZ.

WOODZ is a Korean singer.

His birth name is Cho Seungyoun and is also in a K-pop group called UNIQ and another one called X1 but does solo work under the name WOODZ.

This music video has been my favourite one since i saw it about a year ago and i still love the production on it as much as i did the first time. This is definitely something i will refer back to when looking at film and editing for my project as i want to research in teaser footage for albums. The way of editing in this is something that i love, the split screen and range of images used really catches the viewers attention. Its has such a relaxed and intimate vibe surrounding it. Something i also loved about this video was the use and experimenting of the lighting, from the fairy lights, to strip lights to the single bulb spinning around the artists to create shadows. Lighting is something that i have really loved and appreciated and something i always pay attention to within live music or theatre shows. So i would like to look into lighting of film and photography.

I have used the editing techniques i have liked from the music video about to create short pieces using existing artists footage. I was able to play around and find out how premier pro works in more detail through this as see what i like the most.


Video editing experimentation

Working with premier pro to create teaser style content for a selection of different artists who are active in Korea and globally. From using the skills i learned during second year when creating a short video for a fashion look book i went ahead and experiments more with transitions, video effects and text. I feel confident with the programme and am starting to understand what editing looks best and the important of the clips fitting to the beat of the music. As you can see form in my sketchbook i have had a range of people view the videos and give me feedback on what elements they liked and what parts didn’t work so well and could be improved. From having this feedback and given me the chance the look at the videos in a different light and see the weakness within each of them. Having this means i will be able to create a higher standard of work when i film and edit my own footage within my FMP.

Jay park – What i edited

  • Title screen
  • Split screen
  • Delayed effect on the split screen
  • Pink tint of landscape shot
  • Ending screen
  • Cutting the clip from 2 different music videos

Jay park – what i edited

  • Changing the colour on opening scene slightly to a more pink tint
  • Grabbing and cutting clips from 3 different music videos
  • Changing the colour to black and white to hit the beats
  • Adding in the JP logo i designed

Jay park – what i edited

  • Adding text to first shot
  • Grabbing videos clip from 3 different videos
  • Changing the colour from green to purple on beat
  • Split screen
  • Having 6 different screen and changing three to black and white
  • The four screens and showing different images

Agust D – what i have done

  • Title screen
  • Clips collected and cut from two different videos
  • The glitch effect
  • slip screen
  • adding black and white
  • Adding fish eye effect

J-Hope – what i edited

  • Red text
  • Clips from 1 video cut
  • black and white
  • light flair
  • text coming in with his hands
  • Split screen

Jackson wang – what i edited

  • Title screen
  • Text added to shots
  • Cut clips from 2 different videos
  • Mirror effect of 4 screens
  • Adding album cover at the end



Week 6

This week I have struggled to stay focus with my fashion coms projects. I have spent a lot more time than planned doing research for my dissertation which has resulted in a smaller amount of work complete for this project this week.  I need to make sure that I try and balance this out next week and stay focused.

Next Steps: Looking back at past work of mine i worked on a video edit for CELINE which was something i really enjoyed however a skill i feel i could develop a lot further.  For my FMP i have an idea that I would be projecting a teaser video as part of my Album release. So this week i would like to develop on my editing skills and create a few short teaser clips.

Interpretation of Lyrics

At this point i started to struggle with what steps to do next, with help from tutorials i had to idea to look into my favourite lyrics from those i listen to and work with that as a base to start thinking about concepts to capture the moment in a photograph. This is something i enjoyed doing and will definability be a method i take with me as i struggle to create ideas for photoshoots where as with using lyrics as inspiration meant i have a variety of ideas to portray the emotions i feel and want to put across.  I however didn’t get to carry this idea out in the studio due to its available and difficulty getting a hold of clothing and models, though this is an idea i want to run with and work with a lot more when it comes to FMP as i think its something i could dive deep into and create strong concepts for photo books and album art work.

More examples in my sketchbook 

Week 5

Week 4 Complete

This week I have continued to develop my skills in illustrator, I now fell that in this short time I have managed to grasp concepts and use more technical skills. New skills such as using different style pain brushes has allowed me to experiment with fashion illustration.  Being more confident within Illustrator has also allowed me to understand how to use this together with Photoshop to create the effects i want and develop into final pieces.

Next Steps: From Tutorial discussions I have now decided to look into interpreting  lyrics. Looking at how they can make a person fell and how these emotions could be shown in a photo shoot.

Development with Illustrator

Experimenting with illustrations meant i learnt a new skill of working within Adobe illustrator and working with it as a pair alongside photoshop to create a more layered and colours effect i hoped for. The illustrations i have created were not free hand drawn but worked from photoshoot selection the important aspects to point out and which parts i wanted to stand out and pair with colour to create interesting visuals.  Many album artworks don’t contain the artists face so i wanted to try out ideas to have a graphic based design for artwork and i think the mix of illustration and colour could work well so this experimentation has enabled me to become confident in the technique, with using colour and capturing an image in illustration design.

I like the effect of the coloured line work on the hands illustration to make the jewellery stand out, making this one my strongest. However i also think the outlines of Jimin in the double denim outfit captures the vibe of the photoshoot from the use of colour within the clothing and adding the pink to the cheeks to showcase the femininity within him and the innocence of the original picture along side the contrast of the more sexy vibe given off from the slithers of skin shown from not having a t shirt on uder the jacket which i have made sure to showcase with the use of outlining the colour bone.

This skill is something i will carry on using through my FMP.