To do list

Taking a step back and having a look where i am at with the project. See what i have completed and how it can be finalised and then look at what i still have get to produce. Anything in red is what i still need to do.  6 weeks to go.

What i want to achieve by the end;

  • Artist pack. A Media pack to tell those reading who TEN is, looking at his background, management, groups and style. Still need to spell check and add in page about TENs culture. 
  •  PR/Media pack. A Pack to put across the solo album idea as a business proposal. To inform about album contents, marketing plan and branding. Still need to spell check, complete the calendar (gantt chart) Finish brand endorsement page  ( research into best brands to work with and why) and budget page (research needed to understand pricing)  
  • Teaser for Debut Solo Album to use on social media for marketing.  Finalise footage (choose what film i wanna use and perfect the one i pick) , photoshop footage into social media for press packs. 
  • Press Poster, wanted to pick visual content and print them at A3 for something more pleasing to the eye and a fun overall idea of what the more detailed packs talk about. Pick visual content for include on the press poster, layout and information. 
  • ALBUM, Produce the album package that is marketed within South Korea. The CD, Photo book, Photo card, Poster. The albums also contain something new and different most times depending on the group from stickers to figures i have decided to add in a letter.  Add in the Chinese translations. Find someone to translate the Korean and add in. Produce final PDF of all elements that the pack would contain. 
  • Add all work together into one document for one document. Find way to submit the film footage. 

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