When i was looking at the prince concept i looked into Princes videos and took screen grabs to reference back to while editing. I have added in the list of key points i noted down and screen grabs to showcase how i have taken these and made it work with the moments i caught of Ten through the teaser video i created for the launch. I have achieved the style i wanted, by taking the style and personality of Prince into a video style that works for TEN and the album launch. I am happy with the way the final outcome has come out as i think by viewing the video others will be able to see the connection between the two which is important.
Screen Grabs
- Close ups
- Full stage moments
- Wide shots
- Shots from bellow
- Side stage
- High contrast
- Shine / glow to the footage
- Reds, purples, pinks, blues
- Stage presence
- Fashion
- Atmosphere