Portfolio To Do List

Having started looking at the portfolio brief again after adjustments made due to the virus. I have started to created a A4 document on indesign to document my process, from looking at my website, cv, business cards and future career options or further study.

• Database in preparation for your next steps. Companies i wanna work for, contact details, web address and why i wanna work for them, how will i appeal to them? 

• A portfolio/showreel (depending on your specialism) Make sure title pages separate work 

• An online website – DONE



• Appropriate social media presence – DONE (INSTAGRAM)



• Optional business card –  PICK FINAL DESIGN 

• A digital archive of your work from your degree – All best bits added to website

Add in a brand identity page – talk about fonts, colours etc…

Branding concepts of other brands. What i like about them 



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