Due to having to re think how i can present my idea for the physical album. I have searched and looked for ways to showcase my album and the insert to look as clean as possible and something thats a bit different to handing in a PFD.
A friend of mine graduated last year from the university and is now studying a graphics masters and i went and asked for help on ideas and how i could carry out something i had seen on instagram from the Vogue Korea account and the Exo account.
I then went onto https://mrmockup.com/ to look at the different mock ups available to work with to have the effect i want to the final piece.
Ones i like are;
- Open Magazine Mockup
- Magazine Mockup
- Magazine PSD Mockup
- Book Perspective Mockup
I also went onto https://graphicburger.com/mock-ups/ to find other options the ones i likes are
- Hardcover book 2
- A5 magazine mock up
Looking at CD mocks up on https://covervault.com/
The instagram posts that gave me this idea.