Due to the current circumstances and changes to uni there is changes and adaptations i need to think about to work with the situation and how i can adapt my work.

Everything now needs to be handed in digitally. There for i need to see what the best option is for me, to create a physical CD package or create a graphic based one to showcase what i would have produced. Something i need to get advice for from tutors.

Create a time table to follow to make sure all points are covered, and that i am taking time out for other things such as working, family and keeping as calm as possible.


  • Bulk out press pack
  • Finish artist information pack.
  • Look at text graphic for video and finish video
  • Create a graphic plan for how to showcase album without a physical copy
  • Look at how to complete portfolio project without creating physical copies – ask tutors for advice
  • Update blog with progress
  • Edit and use my own photos within the press pack
  • Be imaginative and productive
  • Spell check


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