Campaign ideas

Campaign ideas for social media, our main focus on the campaigns is to increase brand awareness and reader interaction. For the BE campaign i have made sure people are directed to do something (Join in, what your thing let us know!). The posters bellow have been put onto Instagram and have the hashtag connected. #Whatsyourthing encouraging people to make their own or fill in the posters that we stuck up round the streets of Brighton.  Giving the people a voice which is what we are all about. It was important to make sure the campaign was interactive, and its also something that could be endless, using the hashtag through many different posters and ideas to keep a constant flow and interest.

Another idea i had was collaborating with brads/charities on events and basing campaigns around that. This benefiting VOIX but also the other businesses. For example bellow I’ve made posters for a event/evening with suited and booted partnered with us. Its telling people to donate and listen to what the charity is all about and the hard work everyone there puts into it. Its a way for them to gain publicity and a way for VOIX to spread our name. After seeing ideas like this on other magazine websites such as gentlewomen and their range off collaborations and knew carrying out things like that would be a much better fit to VOIX then paid advertisements within the prints.

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