Photoshoot 2

Second photoshoot for AD137 – Photography and styling

This photoshoot was based and inspired around the idea of the ‘Alter Ego’. I looked into different individuals for ideas on how to portray the idea through a series of photos, looking at fashion from people like, Lady Gaga and Prince. Both Maria and i wanted to create extravagant outfits with a bold statement piece for each one.

We did not indent to do the photoshoot in black one white as the outfits we picked were bright and full of colour,  however after editing them as using a setting on the camera we decided they look of a more higher quality as gave a vintage edge to them. Carrying out the photoshoot on sight instead of in a studio as it gives a better finish to each picture due to the location not being fake, gives it depth.

In my opinion some outfits worked better on camera then others. I liked the effect of the mirror and the reflection in a photo, so we used this to our advantage and used it throughout most of the pictures. We had to work with the lighting and spacing available within the store so we learnt and updated out ideas to fit. I think the black and white worked with this due to the shadows and depth it gave each photo.


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