The Feminist avant-garde of the 1970’s exhibition in London was interesting as it was a way to see different artists perception and work. Being able to look at individuals work up close and take photography of it meant i was able to take note of new artists names and see how final pieces of work can be displayed and presented. Such as Marcella Campagnano, Lili Dujourie and suzy lake.
Looking at the films and photography through the exhibition was something i liked, because all the art work was different from each other. The exhibition guide is something i have enjoyed reading through after as its given me a better understanding of each piece of work and the artist background and idea, but its also a way for me to get a better idea of how to right up about my own work in the future.
Certain pieces of work stood out to me, i really enjoyed this exhibition and will be looking into my favourite pieces of work in more depth and each of the artists.