Ink Experiments

For this part of my project I wanted to experiment with creating DNA/cell like visuals, based off previous artists I have researched i.e, Bruce Riley, Klari Reis. Both of these artists use paint and resin to get the desired effect but for this I experimented with food colouring and dropping that into water. For the set up of this shoot I used a ring light to light it over the top as I wanted to really bring out the colours ink the water. I then shot the footage from over the top of the water whilst someone dropped the different coloured inks into it gradually.



These are brief clips from the footage I took from this experiment. I found that when they were sped up they looked a lot better, I liked how the videos glitched and when looking back I also found that when put in reverse it had a nice effect too. Although it was quite hard to keep steady when filming this so a lot of footage was shaky, I feel that when sped up this is what gives it the glitched effect which I like.

These are some screenshots I took from going through the videos. I really love how bright and colourful they are even without editing, this is exactly how I wanted this shoot to go. I feel that although I haven’t used the same techniques as the artists I’ve been researching I have still got the same effect and visuals which I’m really happy with. I think that for my FMP, once edited with other visuals, these videos will work really well within my fashion film. My next plan from here is to take this footage and project it onto a model in the studio. I plan for this next photoshoot to film more as I am aware that for my FMP I want to do a fashion film and I need to be creating more footage for this.

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