Project Reflection

TRIPT is a magazine that focuses on important and current issues that need to be spoken about such as the BLM protests and we did this because we felt it was important to use our platform to use our voices and try and raise awareness on these situations. As graphic designer for this project I found it very challenging as although we was talking about serious issues the overall design aesthetic was bright, colourful and playful so I had to find a balance of making it this without taking the seriousness away from the situations we was talking about. I also found it very challenging due to the reason it was completely unlike my usual style which is quite minimal. I feel like designing this magazine really pushed me out of my comfort zone which lead me to create some of my favourite works I’ve ever made, which I normally wouldn’t get to make as it is a very different style. I did find this project very stressful being the graphic designer because I feel like TRIPT’s aesthetic in general is very graphics heavy, with big bold typography and colour palettes with a lot of illustrations also. With the pandemic being an ongoing problem this also made it a struggle to complete a lot of the photoshoots and plans we would’ve wished we could’ve done which meant we had to rely a lot on my illustrations in order to complete the magazine. I found this quite stressful, especially when a lot of the time we had no images at all and it was down to me to resolve this issue. Although I found this project to be really high intensity I am also really proud of the work I’ve created and how I have overall dealt with this high stress situation, working efficiently and effectively with my team to create a magazine that is something we are all extremely proud of. At the start of this project we was inspired by the 60’s, retro, psychedelic era and that our mission was to bring the past to the present and made it modern and we knew this would be difficult as we didn’t want the magazine to look outdated but I feel like the magazine is exactly what we had hoped for, with bright bold colours and graphics,  bringing a modern twist on past decades with influences on past art movements. The overall colour palette and imagery we ended up creating in the magazine gives it that modern twist and also transforms TRIPT from a magazine that is political or too serious like the issues we talk about and turns it into a bright colourful magazine that is a celebration of life which is exactly what we had originally intended, to bring light into the dark times we’re in. Overall I feel that although I found this project challenging and difficult it has really excelled my design skills and has pushed me out of my comfort zone to create art I wouldn’t of usually made, in turn further progressing me as an artist and building my confidence in my work.


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