Yoko Ono Exhibition – 01/03/2024

Today I went to the Yoko Ono Exhibition at the Tate Modern, even though the general theme of her creative work doesn’t align with my project theme It was useful to go and see her artwork. One thing I did take inspiration form was her fearlessness to produce art work that some would argue as pushing boundaries of the ‘social norm’. A lot of her work reflects on the past tense which I felt was interesting to contrast and compare in regards to my own work which is primarily based on memory , the process of this fading with someone living with dementia and exploring the different creative ways this can be helped/adapted.

One aspect of the exhibition I found useful was the short films she had made. Her most recognisable perfomance piece being the ‘CUT PIECE’ masterclass in performance art. Which I took clips of to refer as research within my sketchbook.

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