
Today I carried out my photoshoot for my images to create my double page spread. This process started of at the studio at grand parade where I initially had planned to use the facilities and setting for my images. However, as part of the process of trial and error I had to make some slight alterations to  my location of the shoot on the day as the studio was not available for use at the time required. I adapted to this quickly and decided to use outdoor space and scenery utilising different camera angles to create a more interesting scenery out of a simple background. Another alteration I  had to make was one of my props had broken slightly, I was planning on using a third hat for the photo’s, but unfortunately, details of the hat had fallen off on the way to the studio so I chose to not include it for the end piece. I could have had her holding the hat, however this one I really would have liked to be worn instead. For my final images I decided to use a low camera angle, by capturing my model at this angle it helped to capture this ‘powerful’ female figure I was trying to portray from the influence of Anna Piaggi. I felt that the low angle achieved this as my model is looking down on the camera and viewers which can connote power and confidence while she is holding a stern stance making her look taller and more in power off the situation. The low camera angle also cropped out any unwanted background such as buildings, people and greenery. Overall I was very pleased with the outcome of my photographs despite the slight alterations I had to make on the day and I have enjoyed taking on this task.



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