The are my final images for my object (tights) project. I decided to go with street photography because when we went out to do some research and see if we could see anyone who wore tights, not many people did.


This image in particular, I increased the contrast to brighten the colour in the background so they look more bold as the model is wearing very dark greys and black. Through she is wearing a long skirt, you can see the tights as people do wear them to keep warm. You don’t necessarily have to wear full tights as you can wear knee high, over knee or calf length tights.


Distilled images are always a good effect to use id you want to create a more interesting image as its not a still picture. It gives the image life and depth but also ages the photograph.

IMG_4415As I came to the end of this project I realised that tights do play a significant part in our lives as people do wear them on a regular basis but they do get taken for granted a lot. The fair amount of people we asked who wore sheer tights during this project told us they didn’t wear the tights because they were fashionable, its because they are practical for cold weather if they still wanted to wear a skirt. They don’t cost that much so they are easy to replace if the ladder, which is why they are taken for granted. Tights can be fashionable if you style them with the right clothes and shoes.




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